I've been as regular as clockwork, daily, for as long as I can remember. But now it's becoming difficult and on some days non-existent. Could it be pred? I've had GCA for nearly five years and am now down to 7.5mgs. I've been even lower before (5) without these effects. Could it be my Calceous tablets? Apparently calcium cause constipation. Should I start on magnesium, which counter acts constipation.
Constipation: I've been as regular as clockwork... - PMRGCAuk

Calcium can cause constipation, but surely you’ve been on it a long time without problems? Likewise pred at higher doses, so unlikely the cause.
Excuse me while I put my nurses cap on 😉 changes in bowel habit should be reported to your GP and then investigated. They can be indicators of more serious problems.
Hello, since being below about 8mg my intestines have been particularly sluggish, especially when I’ve dropped a dose and my adrenals haven’t caught up yet. I’m not worried because the pattern is predictable and there are no other features of concern. However, it would be an idea to see a GP so they can enquire further to rule out other causes, not all of which are the dreaded Ca. In the meantime it might be worth checking the basics like fibre and fluid intake. To help with diagnosis a poo record featuring type and colour of poo, frequency, amount and what you’ve been eating.
Possibly you just having a bit of a wobble, BUT as Soraya says you must get it checked by your GP ASAP. Investigations are not so bad as you might imagine, been there twice now, no problems, just me, and my GP being cautious.
Are you on any other medications , new medications or have you had any recent diet changes?
Plus , what's the weather like and do you think you have any other symptoms?

Any change in bowel habit should be reported to your doctor - having PMR/GCA and being on pred doesn't excuse us from other problems/illnesses.
To add to Snazzy's poo record comment - google the Bristol Stool chart to get recognised descriptions which save embarrassment and photos ...
Photos? 📸
I’ve advised people to bring in blood soaked dressing pads etc, but never have I thought to tell someone to photograph their 💩 “Smile!” 😂😂
Must be living in countries that kindly provide viewing platforms in the design of their loos
Hadn't seen them for ages even here - but the hospital en-suites have this model ...
The older toilets in the Netherlands are the same.
Well yes, the loos are different. But still I say .... “Photos?” 😮
A pictures worth....

Err no! There are exceptions to every rule, and this is it!
I don't even want to deal with my own never mind a picture of someone else's.🤢
Preferable to a sample surely?
Samples are medical. Photos are......nope! Not going there!
Photos are..... your Kryptonite...
That's my last tease...
Thank you all for your advice and for lightening the mood! I have seen my GP and he wants to see me again in a couple of weeks. If no improvement it's me for the internal inspection. CT-5012 says it's not as bad as it seems. Hope so. Best wishes. Must dash to the loo!!!