Hello everyone
I hope things are going well for you all.
I would just like to give those of you that have helped me an update of the situations I have been in.
First with my glasses, I found an independent optician and have vary vocals of which I am very pleased with, next was having a back double tooth out, my doctor and dentist thought things would be fine as they are with my preds and other meds, everything went well with the extraction although the gap still has not closed properly it is doing well, I was told as I am on preds it would take longer to heel and lastly the reduction plan of steroids that DorsetLady suggested to me well I do not like to speak too soon but so far so good and I am very greatful to everyone that has listened and helped me through these things.
There is one other thing I hope someone there would be able to help or suggest to me which is constipation. I have been costipated since the start of having GCA in March this year, I spoke to my doctor and he said some medication would do that to you and offered nothing so I went to see a pharmacist and he suggested lactulose I gave him a list of my medication asking if I could take it with them and agreed it would be fine. After about a week or so (it took some to work) I found that I was getting more niggles which were getting worse so I read the leaflet and lactulose contains something that can interfere with steroids, I stopped taking it and things were a lot better. I then went to natural options and landed up taking dried prunes and almonds, my stomachs found it hard to digest the prunes and I landed up with very bad indigestion. I wondered if anyone had any other idea that I could try.
I would be very greatful for any suggestions.