I prefer not to use Amazon so have been looking for Kate Gilbert's book from other sources. So far no luck. Could someone please tell me who the publisher is and/or tell me it you have got it from somewhere else?
Finding Kate Gilbert's book: I prefer not to use... - PMRGCAuk
Finding Kate Gilbert's book

Think you can only get on line, but have found another online supplier -
Publisher is CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
should you wish to try elsewhere.
Thank you very much. Online is fine (It's just Amazon I have a problem with) but if I CAN get a book from a book shop - like Waterstone's in my home town - which employs people to sell books to live human beings, (rather than managing 'slave labour' in warehouses to just take things off shelves and pack them up,) and which pays taxes, that's what I prefer to do.! I will take a look at The Book Depository but I think it may be owned by Amazon. If it is, I'll try another tack using the publisher's details, to see if I can get it another way.
Oh no! Create Space is another bit of the all-encompassing Amazon empire! I'm just going to have to give in!
Why not contact Kate herself? I'm sure just because she is giving up as an administrator won't mean she disappears entirely.
Of course! Being such an unobservant newbie - I hadn't linked the author with the admin.
Somehow though I doubt it is available from ordinary bookshops - not enough turnover, though I suppose it could be ordered or maybe the charity has some. It first appeared as a Kindle version - so much easier for limited editions of self-published books.
I also forgot to mention that by buying it from Amazon, however you may object to them, the profits from the book go directly to PMRGCAuk.
Yes I thought it might. Gets everywhere. And I so agree - best if you can support your local shops - of whatever hue!
Talking about huge warehouses with no people - my home town (me - no longer there) has a fire spreading through an Ocado site. No people on it just robots! So not built for people access - firefighters are having a very difficult time getting to places they need to! Thinking is - the fire was started by a robot! Disgruntled one maybe!! Was on veg and wanted to be on bakery!
Sorry shouldn’t joke, but no-one hurt.
PM Kate if all else fails - as PMRpro suggests.
Although the Book Depository used to be an independent operator, it now belongs to Amazon. I always used it in the past because it was independent. I think Amazon are quite happy for BD to still appear to be separate as they know many people prefer to avoid them. I found several secondhand copies on eBay from World of Books, but they are silly prices - over £30 - and at least one of them appears to be an American edition.
Yes, and I can understand why - but sometimes it's just more convenient and also cheaper to use. Plus they do partake in the Give as You Live scheme (if you live in UK) so I don't feel quite so guilty if the charity benefits a little on my spending.
If you are interested have a look at this -
Oh I'd be a hypocrite if I insisted that I disapprove of using Amazon - I've got four books on order from them at present, mainly secondhand ones at what seem ridiculously low prices. My son bought me my copy of Kate's book and I know it was from Amazon, so the charity must have benefited a little bit. I think many of us feel a bit uneasy about the all-encompassing nature of Amazon though, without quite knowing what to do. Apart from books, I often find an item on Amazon and then go to the company's own website and buy it from there, which gives me a tiny thrill. Or I buy it from eBay, knowing I'll get Nectar points...
I have little compunction - without Amazon I would have next to no reading! We have a very small flat - and the local (lovely) independent bookstores have next to no English language books! It's online or not at all!
And I suppose you have no charity shops, which are one of my main sources of books, also DVDs which I expect will be obsolete soon. I remember a few years ago when the charity shops had notices saying they couldn't accept any more VHS tapes (some of which are collector's items now I understand).
I have never seen a charity shop here - there may be some in other bigger towns I suppose. There is (or was) a single second hand clothes shop but they charge unrealistic prices for slightly tatty stuff - not impressed! We did buy books when back in the UK each summer but now we both have Kindles that happens less - plus the daughter pays, my xmas/birthday present on an ongoing basis. But I only ever buy stuff that is on offer at 99p!!!!!
Buying books (second hand usually) is a great weakness of mine. With a smaller income since retiring I stay off Amazon since click and order is too easy for me.
The Amazon account being linked to my daughter's account rather than mine does make me think before ordering anything as I would have a conscience and I never buy a full price book without asking her! I've have given her a couple of Amazon vouchers I got as gifts which helps the conscience too! I could afford the books - just not have anywhere to keep them. OH made me dispose of all my books before we moved here
This is a reply I drafted in response from a post from Piglette which seems to have disappeared.
According to Wikipedia, 'on 4 July 2011, Amazon reached an agreement to acquire Book Depository'. I'm sure I remember receiving a letter from the Book Depository itself saying that it had been acquired by Amazon, but would still be offering the same service. I do try to buy from the smaller booksellers - 3 or the 4 books I'm waiting for are from those.
I wonder if anybody else has seen the current TV advert from a small businesswoman (making candles?) saying what Amazon means to her and others like her, for publicity and increase in sales etc. Of course, for anything slightly 'crafty' or vintage, Amazon have big competition from Etsy...
I ordered on Amazon UK , it was the only place to order from Switzerland..it should arrive next week.... Good luck
I bought it online from Fishpond ( which was cheaper than Amazon)
We boycott Amazon, I use Abe Books which I know uses an Amazon platform and I assume a small amount from each sale goes to Amazon, but it does sell second hand books affordably, and it does support independents, even ones taken over by Amazon like Book Depository. It's hard to avoid Amazon entirely. However, at least (as far as i am aware) I am not buying goods picked in huge warehouses by badly paid, badly treated staff.
AandB books