I had A Dexa scan on 12/12 and have received A letter to see GP to discuss results , can anyone give me any advice as to what questions to ask or what to expect from GP , am worried he will want me to start medication and I'm not informed enough to argue with him , I must say he is A very good understanding chap so help with how to approach the situation would be very much appreciated?
Dexa scan: I had A Dexa scan on 12/12 and have... - PMRGCAuk
Dexa scan

Well first thing to see what the results are before you start worrying.
Is this first test, and did you ask for it because you didn’t want to go on AA?
Are you on VitD and Calcium supplement - ADCAL or similar? Most people find that plus good organic yogurt is enough.
If GP does recommend AA tell him your fears - if you have them- and explain you’d rather not go on it, and why.
It can be a knee jerk reaction to prescribe AA with Pred. I took it for 4 years with no problem, but it doesn’t suit everyone.
If he’s understanding as you say, I’m sure he won’t pressure you into taking anything you don’t want to, but as it is a recommendation in the guidelines he is only following procedure....and remember he probably knows less about PMR than you do!
OH had scan - called in to surgery as you have been to "discuss results". He was told scan showed bone density to be OK and was asked how he was keeping. Just general discussion re condition (and presumably casting her eyes over him fo r any visible signs)

Find out what he wants to say, if it involves taking bisphosphonates tell him you want time to think and research and tell us. We'll explain.
Before he does anything with medication though he needs to do blood levels of calcium and vit D.