Hello everyone.
I have not posted anything for awhile but have been thinking of you all & hoping that things are going ok with you. As for me, time has just flown due to various things including non pmr issues. The good news is I did my final taper at the beginning of November and now going into week 4 of being steroid free. I was tempted to carry on for a few more weeks but knew it would be due to confidence and not a necessity to do so.
I had some withdrawal aches for about a week but it did get better. My only concern was backache but felt it was due to increased exercise with weights to help my bone density’. It did improve with analgesia so knew it wasn’t pmr. I am still cautious and worried in case the symptoms flare up again,especially as the weather is cold, have had some stress and pending busy December. Also being realistic that some of it could be just the aches and pains experienced before pmr.
Regarding the Osteoporosis, my GP would still prefer that I take AA and asked me to contact my Rheumatologist. I emailed him with my reasons to try natural methods first. He responded and agreed that I should do so for a year and then have another follow up appointment with him and another bone density scan. However, he did emphasise that if I was on steroids there would be the risk of further bone loss. I can only see how it goes and try to do the things slowly, especially build up my exercise at a sensible pace. It has been hard at times to do any exercise due to being busy and working in a busy job. Even worst now the cold dark evenings are here.
I can’t thank everyone enough for the support given on this site and I wish you all well. I hope I can continue to keep in touch on the site. I don,t think I will feel completely pmr free until I have not needed pred for some time.
Good wishes to you all.