Seriously? Are You Trying to Kill Me?: I went back... - PMRGCAuk


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Seriously? Are You Trying to Kill Me?

89 Replies

I went back to the GP this morning and explained what has transpired over the past two and a half days... He apologised for the confusion and said that "yes," the Nurse Practitioner was right... usually a "full course" of UTI antibiotics is only 3 days, but he likes to prescribe 5 days, in certain situations, like mine.

"Okay, fine."

He also apologised for Pharmacist telling me to continue taking a medication that I was obviously "sensitive" to.


He asked if I might squeeze out another sample, to see where we are today and if in fact one and a half days on the "antibiotic fro hell," might have been enough to do the deed. "Sure," I said, "I could pee for England, Doc... do you have a bucket?"

Upon dip stick testing today's sample, it was obvious that I still had the UTI, as the little strip lit up like a Christmas tree! I would need further medication to alleviate the dreaded scourge.

I presented a print out that talked about the Trimethoprim and asked if I could have that, as it seemed to be well tolerated by many people. He gave me some bullshit about 80% of Brighton women being immune to the effects of this particular drug and they no longer prescribe it, as it is not effective. (?) How can a "region" be resistant to an antibiotic? Wouldn't it be based on each individual? He went onto say the drug is no longer available to be prescribed, in this areas as it is not effective.

Ok... fine. Whatever.

He would prescribe something called Selexid.

I went to the Pharmacy, located in the Surgery, and asked to speak to the Pharmacist in change; I explained to him how a female pharmacist had advised me to continue taking a drug that I was obviously allergic to and how that was "unacceptable." He looked a little shocked and apologised; he went on to say he would report it to the "regional" manager. Blah, blah, blah ... bullshit.

He took my new prescription and filled it within 2-3 minutes. "Drink lots of water... take with food... blah, blah, blah."

I got home, ready to pop in two of my new Selxid 200mg Film Coated Tablets and low and behold, I read the label on the box (THANK GOD!) and in big bold letters it says:


YUP, you guessed it, I'm allergic to penicillin!!!!!

I swear it''s a conspiracy and someone is trying to kill me!


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89 Replies
Rugger profile image

Presumably, you're on the phone to the Practice Manager as I write this reply?! If not, why not?

What a good thing WE know what we're doing!

Let us know the next installment of the plot to kill mamici1........;-)


in reply toRugger

I will be making an appointment first thing Monday for a "face to face." I will get my ducks in order an go in with "guns blazing!"

Primarose profile image

Talk about up the creak without a paddle, you are still suffering. Your doctor is very well informed int he. Is there something in the water in Brighton? Perhaps it's too wet or not wet enough.

Doctor didn't even question penicillin, he must have known it was in there when he gave you the prescription. I'm allergic to the stuff as well and whenever they ask if I have an allergy they always question how do I know that I am allergic, so I have tell them and warn them that if they give it to me they will kill me.

You have been through enough already and now you are still no further forward. Ring the surgery and tell them that you have been given the wrong prescription.

in reply toPrimarose

It has been a series of unfortunate events!!!! I had reminded him on Tuesday that I was allergic to both penicillin and iodine... but he never asked today when he ordered second prescription. And the pharmacy just filled it, no questions asked.

Jean56 profile image

I’ve been very quiet lately, not been at my best for lots of reasons. I have though been keeping up with all the trials and tribulations of everyone on the forum, absorbing advice and waiting for, ‘all things to pass.’

I can’t take penicillin either, plus having nasty reactions to other antibiotics. The only one I seem to tolerate and was given to me for a UTI is Cefalexin. Someone told me it was penicillin, all I can say is, I’ve probably taken three or four courses of this over several years. I have never had any side effects. Penicillin makes me swell up and my joints hurt.

I do hope you get this sorted quickly, it’s the weekend. Why does stuff like this always happen at the most inconvenient time. You really have been in the wars. Thinking of you as I sit staring out at the thick fog shrouding the Sussex coast.

Hev1964 profile image
Hev1964 in reply toJean56

Ironically Jea 56 I’m not allergic to Penicillin BUT AM allergic to Cefalexin/Keflex - to the point of severe anaphylaxis. It’s actually different to penicillin type drugs in that it’s based on cephalosporins. Our vet gave my dog medicine last year and there I was happily crushing it up for him with a spoon, next minute I was being blue-lighted to hospital barely conscious! Hadn’t even ingested it! I think the problem lies in the different names they give the same drugs - how they expect people to know when generic names are different from other names yet it’s the same drug - there has to be a safer way forward to protect patients! Hope you get something more suitable Melissa for your UTI so you can finally get rid of it! 💕 xx

in reply toHev1964

Cheers Hev1964!

in reply toJean56

Yup Cefalexin can be taken by people with mild to moderate penicillin allergies. I have a "severe" penicillin allergy . I hope you feel better soon and things start to look up for you!

Primarose profile image

Just found this:-

<Pivmecillinam is not suitable for:

People with any narrowing in the foodpipe or blockage in the stomach or intestines.

People with any condition that leads to a deficiency of a substance called carnitine in the body.

People with a rare metabolic disorder called porphyria.

People who have ever had an allergic reaction to penicillin or cephalosporin-type antibiotics. Make sure your doctor knows if you've ever had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic.>/

In case they try to tell you that the drug isn't penicillin.

Q-owl profile image
Q-owl in reply toPrimarose

Thanks for the info - I'm also allergic to Penicillin.

in reply toPrimarose

Thank you... to bad they didn't know this.

Hev1964 profile image
Hev1964 in reply toPrimarose

Oh Good to know that thank you xx

Longtimer profile image

Oh dear, can`t print what I would like to say to that, but one thing I will say is....can you imagine what it is like for people who cannot sort this out for them selves and suffer....or just take what the doctor orders! have been through enough without the medical system making you worse....incredible! ….hope you get some answers...….and soon!....

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply toLongtimer

Yes some people just take the medication thats prescribed with no questions asked and don't even know why they're taking them( a few elderly relations of mine!)

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSandradsn

Yes, used to be my mother in law, .......all my family now check their meds, thank goodness, funnily enough my sister with RA gets her meds without the info inside, so I check online for her.....don't know why that is.....

in reply toSandradsn

That is very sad.. and scary!!!!!

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply toLongtimer

My sentiments exactly Longtimer!

in reply toLongtimer

I dread to think about it LT... my heart goes out to people who are not internet savvy or not able to "fight" for themselves. I can't imagine doing this without a computer or being able to stand up for myself on the phone!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

Yes, exactly......but the bloody stress with the battle😈......who needs it!

SheffieldJane profile image

Thank God you’ve got your wits about you. Your doc sounds well er a bit of a dope. Do you think he feels challenged by strong women perhaps?

Also, shouldn’t your pee be sent away for proper analysis? I thought the dipstick thing was just for starters.

Sorry you are having these symptoms. I went through a protracted phase of it, leaping up to go, in the small hours, shivers, the lot. Like a lot of our delightful episodes, it passed, to be replaced by another torment. Completely blocked nose as soon as I lie down in bed, leading to suffocating panic. In fact all my symptoms give me the cold hand of dread. My body and I, all trust has gone between us. We stay together for the sake of the kids.

Chrob profile image
Chrob in reply toSheffieldJane

Last sentence had me . True .

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply toSheffieldJane


in reply toSheffieldJane

Thank you dear friend. I am about 10 inches taler than he is... Hmmm? And YES, PMRpro said they should do a culture... but I guess that cost ££££!

You do make me laugh! xxxxxx

Chrob profile image

Can’t make this up . Got to question every blooming thing , unbelievable.

in reply toChrob

Yup, so true!

PMRpro profile image

"How can a "region" be resistant to an antibiotic?"

Seriously, it can happen. Mostly due to too much use of a particular antibiotic because of how local practices prescribe and them not being taken for long enough so a few bugs are left who have got used to that one and just go "yum, yum" when faced with it.

The question about "how do you know you are allergic" is a fair one: many patients will say they are allergic because taking that antibiotic makes them feel sick or have diarrhoea. That is NOT being allergic. And most people feel sick or get an upset stomach when on abx.

Third time lucky Melissa???? Actually - I'd say, not until you have had a culture result back. And that pharmacist should be reminded he should ASK if you are allergic to any abx... And your GP asked why they aren't using the warning system for allergic patients? (You have told them I assume?)

in reply toPMRpro

...but how can "I" be resistant to this antibiotic, if I haven't taken any antibiotic in 8-9 years; "I" and haven't had a UTI in 20-30 years???

Also, I just called the pharmacy (which is located IN the Surgery!) and Pharmacist suggested I ask for Trimethoprim!!!!

I told her I DID ASK FOR IT and GP said it was "not available in this area!" I asked her if they had it and she checked stock and said "YES" she has it on the shelf!!!! The GP, I saw, does not work on Friday afternoon, so while he is home slugging back a glass of wine... I'm sitting here still trying to sort this out!

...and still they haven't taken a CULTURE! So there are NO RESUTS forthcoming


HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

"You" aren't, the bugs are. If you picked up a resistant bug then that is the issue. But of course they need to do the proper culture to find out.

in reply toHeronNS

Ahhhhhh, thanks!!!!! GOT IT! .....but that's assuming that I have picked up the "Brighton UTI bacteria," right?

What if mine has been caused by good self inflicted E. Coli? Or Cystitis? Or Urethritis? Or Pyelonephritis?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Nothing to add to Hernon's explanation. But I WOULD challenge that GP next time I saw them! That is exactly WHY they should do a culture...

I really do despair sometimes!!!

Hev1964 profile image
Hev1964 in reply toPMRpro

Two years ago I was prescribed a drug by my own surgery where my anaphylaxis was recorded and the drug given to me under a different name. None the wiser and trusting they knew what they weee doing I took it! Don’t need to explain what followed but it was another scary ambulance ride and hospital stay. When I addressed it afterwards turns out when they went into computers instead of the old fashioned way (bold red pen on front of notes) nobody thought to transfer the anaphylaxis warning to Keflex. Most people allergic to this are also allergic (to some degree) to penicillin but it’s quite rare to be allergic to this and not penicillin. At least I’m safe knowing I can have penicillin if I ever need it so guess am lucky in that respect. Still have to carry epipen though because it can be triggered very easily now where previously it was only through ingestion. It is a worry how folks manage to get things done when we spend so much time sorting things out for ourselves - and yes a huge worry for the folks who simply can’t :/ x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toHev1964

OMG! Lot to be said for ALL medications to be prescribed by the substance name for a start. Is there a cross reaction for it too?

They reckon the best part of a third of hospitalisations relate to medication problems - and I find that seriously scary. We've had one this summer - OTT diuretics and no monitoring ended up with OH spending a couple of nights on the stroke unit (not a stroke but it was a peaceful bed on the ICU) while the ICU sorted out the ward's error/oversight. They considered long and hard but seem to have got it right. They were superb - when we questioned something on the ward they got snotty. The head of ICU discussed it and told OH what an intelligent wife he had and he should be grateful!!! If I'd listened to him and we hadn't got the ambo he'd not be here...

Hev1964 profile image
Hev1964 in reply toPMRpro

It is shocking that we have to be so vigilant about things ourselves! Bet Hubbie was very grateful for his “intelligent” wife as opposed to his “non-intelligent” doctors! ;) xx

in reply toPMRpro

OMG! One third????? Ridiculous! I'm happy they made good on their mistake..

Mks9558 profile image

Good gravy! My chart is stamped all over with my allergies- I pass out and go into shock for iodine - pharmacies and doctors all repeat it back to me each visit. Sloppy medicine....No Excuses for that kind of mistake.

Melissa please have the hubby check that you don’t have a target on your back when you leave the house for your next appointment.

Feel better soon!

in reply toMks9558

I'm wondering if hubby has put the target on my back! 😳

Rimmy profile image

This MUST be 'fiction' - but I know it isn't - I'd ring up and blast someone - preferably the inane doctor - then I'd find a 'good' one asap - I'm sure somewhere in Brighton there must be someone 'better' or maybe it is a 'region' of not just 'antibiotic resistance' but gross dangerous incompetence !! I'm so sorry you've had all this really horrid stuff to negotiate Melissa - it will surely ALL be in your book one day - the one all medical students MUST be 'prescribed' as mandatory reading !!


in reply toRimmy

Remember an old show called Twilight Zone? I feel I'm stuck in a episode of that!

Ahhhh, the book, yes the book... It will have to be a fiction as NOBODY would ever believe it was non-fiction!

Dear God, you couldn’t make it up could you?.........

So what’s the next step? Dealing with idiot GP?

And, of course it’s Friday!......

in reply to

Nope... I am def not that clever! It is like a sitcom! I was given a new antibiotic, but told not to take it, UNLESS I was sure the infection was back... I'm so confused now I don't know if what's what. I'm waiting. Not sure what I'm waiting for, but I'm waiting.

SnazzyD profile image

Sigh. With the software attached to prescribing on GPS’s computers it should have flashed up that you are allergic of they have it on record. Not sure how that happened but in my old practice that would have been discussed as a critical incident in the practice meetings to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

I’m in a high rate of resistance to Trimethorim area but it works for me. You really need a proper culture doing on the basis of treatment failure. Dip sticks are not enough and can be contaminated by vaginal secretions and show up blood and erythrocytes even if you are not aware of them being there.

in reply toSnazzyD

I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toSnazzyD

As you may have seen in some of responses I spent some years inside the nhs as part of a legal team and my life before that was as a barrister. When you have access to the complaints of patients you can see that prescribing drugs to people even there evidence on file that they are allergic to a certain drug is quite commonplace in gps and hospitals including mental health secure units where the patient doesn't know what the hell they are taking at times. I have lost count of the times I have had to deal with doctors including consultants who have not looked properly and prescribed drugs that their patients are allergic to or who have nasty reactions to a certain group of drugs. A couple of these complaints ended in the death if patients Do not leave this as just a slight hiccup, complain to the office manager. If you decide it hasnt been dealt with properly you then have to make a big decision. You can complain to the gmc but the practice may decide to drop you as a patient. Practices don't like patients that rock the boat too much. I rock mine quite regularly but my doctors also know what I did in a previous life and have decided puttung up with me is easier than what havoc I would cause if they dropped me from their patient list!!!! Please don't just let it go though because you spotted the issue but many wouldn't. Debbyx

Hev1964 profile image
Hev1964 in reply toYellowbluebell

In my case they held a critical incident review - I wasn’t privy to paperwork but I was given a verbal apology and assured things had been put in place to ensure this wouldn’t happen again - t me or others. At the time I let that go - but they were fortunate I was still there to apologise to - as I’m sure had my husband been the one having to challenge them, if I wasn’t around, he would not have been as understanding as I was! It’s scary to hear there are so many incidents like this going on - very worrying :/ x

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toHev1964

Unfortunately it happens so often most nhs legal teams will have some who deals totally with complaints about drug issues. The problem is worse in mental health trusts because obviously these patients are not always able to tell you about side effects or don't have someone to raise these issues on their behalf, because the patients and their family are often estranged when mental health collapses). For these poor patients all you can hope is someone notices the problem before it kills the patient. Sorry for the rant but doctors getting away with this crap pisses me off big time. Sorry for the language as well. I am really glad your husband was able to supprt you though, my husband is usually seen scurrying from the scene of the carnage i am causing!!!!

Sandradsn profile image

No way!! What is wrong with these people!!😠So you'd get Trimethoprim if you lived in Hove?🤔🤔🤔

in reply toSandradsn

I do live in Hove!!!!!’

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to

OMG!! you couldn’t make it up!!😠😠

in reply toSuet3942

That's what I keep saying..... it's my new mantra!!!!!!

Conspiracy M! ! Just not as clever & Clued as they think maybe!! Education ! Eh!

AHH! The Killing!!!....... The "Killers"! ......" When You Where Young". Brilliant!

And they were young then!

in reply to

Awaken the Grass

Weapons and Brass

Anticipating Blood Spill

From the Killing

in reply to

Had to look NOCTURNUS up M.!! Death Metal! Signed by "EARACHE RECORDS" 1989!

EARACHE RECORDS!!!!! F... me!!! How can I sleep after that one!

HeronNS profile image

One assumes that your allergies to medicines are in your file? Why didn't a red flag pop up at the doctor's let alone the pharmacy?

in reply toHeronNS

*ahem* . One would assume that, wouldn't one.... It was hysterical when I was reading the pharmacy the riot act and the Pharmacist said, "Well, the doctor NEVER should have prescribed that!" To which I responded, "Yes, and the pharmacy NEVER should have filled it!" He was very quiet.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

While the chemist was good about my mother in laws issue with drugs whilst on warfarin they are often of the same ilk as gps and are very good at trying to shift the blame.

in reply toYellowbluebell

Not nice.. not nice at all!!!!!

Footfairy-1 profile image

WTF WTF WTF!!! 😱😱😱 unf...... believable. Makes me soooo angry. 😡😡😡. Plus it's soooo dangerous ☠️☠️☠️

I'm presuming your testing out a new script for a comedy series? Who the comedian taking your part?

in reply toFootfairy-1

It would seem so, huh? I feel like the 2018, female version of Jerry Seinfield...

Blearyeyed profile image

I am so mad!!!

You doctor excuse my French everyone , but this is how mad I am , is a Pillock!!!

Return to your surgery complain and tell them you want a prescription for Trim as at least you are not allergic to that to your knowledge , unlike the medication the GP just gave you , that if it is available in the UK , any big branch pharmacy can have it sent to your branch in a day , and as you have never personally taken it before , science dictates that you , as an individual , will not have become tolerant to it.

Tell them you will be registering a complaint about this full matter , with the local health board as your treatment by both the surgery and the pharmacy has been terrible. And you hope they will give you a prescription for what you require as soon as possible , without further complaint , because you do not want to have anything further to add to your complaint.

It's preposterous , enough to make a girl cry, if her pink tears hadn't dried up !!

Let us know how you get on, or where you are , I need something to vent my steroid wrath on and your current GP and pharmacist sound perfect.


in reply toBlearyeyed

Hey!!!! How are those pink tears??? How are YOU??????

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

I have just read your new post , are you sure our GP surgery isn't linked!!

Get the culture and get proper antibiotics , written script for what you are willing to take. Any chemist branch can order in any drug available in the country it just might take 24 hours to get it in.

And complain , big time!!

Went to the hospital , the eye consultant wants some scans done , but they have to be done at another hospital as they don't have the right machine.

She is not sure what is happening but I am having a sort of jagged half halo happening on one side of my vision, like trying to look through one of those ever expanding fractal pictures or a diamond. Last a few hours at a time. She wants me to ring in or go in immediately if I have any issues. Could be a ligament , collagen thing . She said I wasn't panicking enough!!!!

Pointed out I have spent that many years going back and forth with stuff I have become sort of desensitized to pain and new symptoms.

Hilariously, she too was interested in my lingering UTI and infections , and said that hormones or neuro inflammation from infection could also be affecting my eyes.

Great. She took another urine sample for analysis.

Hoping to hear polite but severely annoyed combat from you will save the day for one of us tomorrow.

Telian profile image

..and we have to trust these people!! That is so incompetent - your notes should have a red warning of allergies, make sure they do now!.........I'm used to this having a string of reactions as well as allergies, there is a difference. I'm always asked what can I take - I usually stick to the same tried and tested until it's discontinued of course....then my doctor will look it up and compare with my reaction list - you can understand why I was upset the other day when the antis were prescribed without my consent!!!! Luckily they were the correct ones but only 3 days!! I ordered a second lot online with a note attached saying I never have three days of antis and I'm on my last capsule with symptoms still around. The receptionists never questioned it but I still saw my trusted doctor today and told him what had happened. He is so lovely, at least I can have a conversation with him and if we have a difference of opinion he explains but never bullies. My son is allergic to Penicillin, he gets an all-over rash. It doesn't work on me, I learnt a long time ago that as I wasn't allergic to it it could one day be a life saver - I always thought I was allergic to it but no just resistant.

How are you today? you could take OTC cystitis remedy 1 sachet 3 x daily for 2 days only. It might alleviate the symptoms until the culture comes back and they know what they're dealing with. xxxx

in reply toTelian

Yup, good old fashion "red" sticker on a cream colour folder! God am I getting old, huh? *laughing*

I have not taken the sachet, no. I'm not feeling100%, but I am not symptomatic either, except some cramps and tinges... I thinking about going in to surgery tomorrow to request (aka demand) a culture be done, so we can see what (if anything) we are dealing with!

I hope you are feeling much better! xxx

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Red triangles they use in the hospital, don't see my file at the docs as online. If you're not symptomatic, don't take anything until you know what's what....

A culture should automatically be carried out, you shouldn't have to ask for it - on this occasion I would ensure. You will be feeling crook - even though you say you are not symptomatic - as we get older UTIs make us really poorly - sometimes without the normal symptoms and we don't associate it with a UTI. Something else I've learnt.

I'm recovering slowly, thank you. Prof didn't up my steroids as he thought it was the UTI causing the head symptoms - I was unsure but turned out he was right, it is subsiding, if it had been a flare and no increase in pred it would not have improved. I'm pleased I didn't go up. It's the worst I've felt with a UTI without the usual raging, burning sensation. I don't see Urology until March!!! Can't wait that long - will see if there are any cancellations and consider private if it flares again. Must be something in the water, as well as ours!!

Hope you get sorted out soon! xxxxx

in reply toTelian

I'm happy you are feeling a bit better... No! Do not wait till March.... get yourself sorted. Yeah, I just don't feel right. I went up to 25 and then 30, last week, but then right back down to 20 in a few days. My goal is to be on 15 or below so I can have knee replacement in February. Something in the water... then why am I drinking so much bloody water!!!!! 😱

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Hope you reach your goal for February...have you considered a 2.5mg reduction might stop the yoyoing! Water - to flush out the gremlins! We must be so bad!! :) :)

pmrkitty profile image

I think there is a plot from the doctors office to put you out of your pain...Permanently!!! I think it's time to go to someone else.

in reply topmrkitty

Sometimes I wonder if my "loving" OH has out them up to this... not that I'm getting paranoid or anything! 😳

Yellowbluebell profile image

Years ago my mother in law who had a whole list of ailment including diabetes and dementia and she was in warfarin. She was seen bu the dr at home for something and I was duly dispatched to chemist for the prescription. On arrival I asked the chemist was this new prescription ok if she was on warfarin? He immediately went into a panic and said it would kill her if taken with warfarin. This was the doctor she always saw and who had prescribed the warfarin in the first instance!! I left the duty chemist ranting and raging to her doctors on the phone. Why don’t they bloody read their notes? Aaahhhhhhhh

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toYellowbluebell

That story is a nightmare - thank goodness you asked about the warfarin interaction.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toHeronNS

I know this is probably a silly question but are uti's a common thing if taking pref? Seem to have seen it a few times on the site!!

Mks9558 profile image
Mks9558 in reply toYellowbluebell

Side effect of prednisone and Actemra....

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toMks9558

Thanks will keep an eye out. It would seem that my body is trying it's hardest to queue up for all the side effects it can!!!

Mks9558 profile image
Mks9558 in reply toYellowbluebell

I put together a spreadsheet that lists the symptoms of each PMR and GCA and the side effects of Prednisone and Actemra but I can’t figure out how to post it. I was having trouble keeping it all straight. So my program director side came out....

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toYellowbluebell

They seem to be, judging from the commentary on the forums but, touch wood, not for me.

Grants148 profile image

Oh ,not another mistake mamici,it is just as well you are keeping an eye on things yourself,l hope that your infection does not get worse while you wait for your incompetent doctor to prescribe the correct antibiotics !

in reply toGrants148

Well, I guess it could be worse... if I didn't read the box, I could be dead! 😵

teesher profile image

You are really going through it Melissa and thank god you read the box. Your traumas make the Brexit negotiations look like a walk in the park.

in reply toteesher

Seriously, I think Ms May should ask me to work for her... It couldn't hurt!!!!

maria40 profile image

It is a nightmare. I'm allergic to all sulfonamides and penicillin and have to be really careful to read all labels fully as you do. I no longer trust anyone to read my allergy notes and query each time and pray I don't get a serious infection. Do hope you find a solution soon.

in reply tomaria40

Thank you so much! ...and YES, I agree... I NO LONGER trust any of them!

Jackoh profile image

Just been reading your previous posts as I seemed to have missed them. You couldn't make this up could you! I bet you are truly fed up with it all. Hope they all get their act together soon and your UTI and inflammation levels get sorted. I have taken to having D Mannose powder every night to try and prevent UTIs as I kept getting them last year and my inflammation levels would go up and so would the pred level. It certainly has been good for me- now just the cold virus and chest infection has got me and caused the level of inflammation to go up , with the level of pred ...... and so the saga continues!!

in reply toJackoh

I could NOT make this up!!! I feel that the Candid Camera guy is going to approach me any minute and say, "Hey Melissa!!! Smile... you're on Candid Camera! "


My God what a nightmare,soglad you are ok.Give em

in reply to

Thanks. ...and yes, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," or a women frustrated, pissed off, and fed up!

Xanthe12345 profile image

Been there! Nurse practioner tried to get me to take 500mg one of the ingredients was penicillen (which like you I am allergic to ) she insisted it would be ok! Needless to say had a terrible reaction! When I saw doctor she just put sensitive on my records. You have my sympathy and hope you feel better soon patx

in reply toXanthe12345

OMG! She KNEW it had penicillin in it???? ...and gave it to you anyway!

I know I have a severe reaction as my tongue swelled up and throat started to close... they (the doctor) had to give me an injection of something to counteract the effect the penicillin shot he had given me! Not a fun time...

Marilyn1959 profile image

Hi Melissa. Just wondering how you are?

in reply toMarilyn1959

Ohhhhh thank you for asking Lovely! To tell you the truth... I am not sure. I feel okay; and a lot of the symptoms are gone (even though I only took 3 of those horrible pills, early last week) but I just don't feel 100%. I have this weird lower abdomen cramping (like my periods coming... which would be a freakin miracle!!!) and weird tinges every now and again... I'm just not sure what to do at this point. I have the new meds, which I was told not to take, unless I was sure infection was back... but I'm no doctor so I have no idea! 😳

Thank you for asking!

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I haven't been feeling well lately, so decided to go see the GP yesterday. I needed blood work for...

And So It Goes...

So, I described my symptoms to the Pharmacist, yesterday morning; and get this... she suggested I...

Could be some positivity for frequent UTI sufferers.

Good morning folks. Just entering the fourth year since my GCA diagnosis and having suffered around...

What are you doing differently?.....

Is a question I ask the folk at work during January ....goals....Baby steps, SMART! Blah blah blah....
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