Update on costochondritis.... that new pain (inflammation) in my breast bone and ribs seems to be a bit worse... It was better...but perhaps it was the pain meds. I was at 7 mg when this happened.. and then went to 8 but it is no better after a week. A couple questions. Those of you who had it. HOW long??? And would just upping the prednisone to 10mg do the trick. I hate to go backwards..but.... it also seems to have gone a bit to my shoulder blade and lower ribs...when I take a deep breath..... thanks all. (I know this is NOTHING in the great scheme of things...but...(she said whining)) !!
More advice please. : Update on costochondritis... - PMRGCAuk
More advice please.

I get a pain in my sternum area which comes and goes. Worst when I sneeze or lie back. It also appears in my right shoulder blade. Have had this for about 2 years on and off since diagnosis March 2016. Myofascial massage helps me. I can never work out if I’m at too low a dose or it’s just bits of me seizing up. I mention it at my rheumatology appointments but nothing is ever said. I haven’t bothered to increase my dose as it is intermittent. I’m currently levelling off at 8mg so I’m expecting lots of “issues” to break through that have been covered up by the prednisolone so far. It just reminds me that I’m ageing at the same time 😨
I have had this twice since having PMR. The first time I had bronchitis and coughed at the same time as I was sitting up in bed. I think it was weeks before it was entirely gone. It was kind of at the bottom of my rib cage. The second time I had it it was worse and I don’t really know how it happened but it would like cramp up and just about stop me in my tracks. I went to the doctor that time and even had a cat scan. The doctor offered pain meds but they really didn’t help and in a few weeks it was gone again. That second time was a lot more painful.
Wow, this is something I’ve wondered about for the last 9 months. Sneezing and coughing have been painful for me most of the time, to certain degrees, but the rest of the time I’m fine. If I take a deep breath, I can feel the rib cage inflammation but it isn’t debilitating. Sometimes I have to brace myself against something to get through the coughs or sneezes, or I plan out how I’m going to cough or clear my throat, from my stomach/ lower diaphragm (how I learned to breathe in choral settings) which seems to minimize the pain. I can relate to Lochy ‘s description, because it does ebb and flow as far as intensity of the pain is concerned. Mostly, I just figured that this is part of the PMR journey, so didn’t up my Pred at all.
I’m not familiar with the “c” term yogabonnie uses to describe it. Will have to look that up. Also, if my rib cage bothers me at night, which it has done immensely after a day when I’ve eaten food with gluten , I put cool packs on my chest which is very soothing. I mostly stay gluten free for that and other reason. Birthday parties are difficult!😋
I think it was several weeks, it was really bad the first week when I had really bad pain with each breath, it slowly got bearable and then faded away. It was not instant in my case. I didn't change my pred dose though which must have been around 8mg.
You know, I've just been thinking that maybe this was my very first symptom of PMR, which means I had it about six months longer than I thought. My doctor told me I'd dislocated a rib and it should go back into place, but it's bothered me ever since, and only recently got much better, especially as I get physio to strengthen my weakened shoulders and arms. I guess it was one of those many aches and pains which vanished for a few months with early doses of pred but came back as I tapered. I thought it was unrelated to the truly crippling other symptoms of PMR.
Poor you yogabonnie! You are such a ray of sunshine usually, this must be bad. Do painkillers help?
I guess you’ve had X Rays etc?
I would be reluctant to raise my Pred dose because although this is related most probably, it’s not primary PMR.
Mine dragged on for ages, at one point they were going to remove my gallbladder!
The shoulder involvement sounds like a posture thing possibly. I hope it’s not a creeping flare. I wonder if a good physio might help?
Thanks Sheffieldjane. I know! I hate being a debbiedowner. I think you are right. I did go up to 8mg from 7 and I don't think it has made any difference. But now I am taking 1 ibuprofen and 1 acedominiphine (sp) tylenol every 4 hours and that keeps the pain pretty much at bay. Not doing any lifting etc. or cleaning. (yea!) and will just get on the plane for Sweden in a week and leave it all behind! Flying shouldn't be bad. Not moving feels good! I am sure this too shall pass! .. and I did have the xray. nothing cracked or broken. I will live to play again!
Also Sheffieldjane... how is that chest infection??? Better .. WELL . I hope!
Still struggling with it unfortunately. Sleeping a lot and full of random pain. I am hoping it will clear up without resorting to another course, of this time, sinister sounding anti-biotics. Test results at the end of the week, so I might know what to do then. I am so bored with myself, moaning all the time. I bet you’re glad you asked. 😐 Enjoy Sweden!! Are you staying for Christmas? I imagine that it would be wonderful.