Hello everyone
I have been reading the daily digests since being diagnosed with PMR in October 2014 and have found them informative, comforting and reassuring. Thanks to all who have posted during this time and helped me cope with this horrid complaint.
One of the posts today has prompted me to write for the first time because I have similar problems with reducing the Preds. Like many others, I experienced a 'miracle cure' on 15mg, then was fine on 12.5mg after 3 weeks. Not so lucky on 10mg when pain returned in my shoulders and arms, so GP advised 11mg for a month before returning to 10mg. With this second attempt at 10mg I was fine and decided to remain on it after reading about the Bristol group's advice to stay on 10mg for a year. Since my year was up since diagnosis and I felt so well, I decided to start the slow reduction plan. Now in my third week of reducing to 9mg, so not even halfway through the plan, and the pains have come back with a vengeance. I took 9mg on Saturday, then back to 10mg on Sunday, Monday and today Tuesday. I am due to take 9mg tomorrow. How can it be that I am in so much pain, even on the days when I am back to my 10mg dose if previously I had been fine on it? I don't understand how the few times I have reduced to 9mg have had such a drastic effect. Please can anyone explain/advise? It seems to me that 10mg is not working now and I will have to go back up to 11mg or even 12.5mg. Many thanks in anticipation of replies.