Hi, my name is Francien, I'm 67, and I live in The Netherlands. Just discovered this helpful and wonderful forum.
I've been diagnosed with GCA/PMR in december 2017. Started on 60 mg Pred. Also on 15 mg MTX since februari. (Tried tapering Pred. to 10 mg but got a flare after a nasty norovirus, now back on 15 mg.)
Many side effects from both medicins. (Extremely tired, much sweating, weight gain, feeling like someone or something else has taken over my brain, moonface, fat neck, big tummy (I look like a pregnant bull), hairloss (aaargh!) etc.)
Now my Rheumy wants me on Leflunomide, 20 mg. She thinks it wil lessen the side effects. I have to take it together with the other medication for at least 6 weeks - then I can stop the MTX.
I'm rather afraid of yet another medicine. (Also have medication for thyroid, high blood pressure, cholesterol and of course for stomach. Will I be more sensitive for infections etc.?
Does anyone know more about this combination of drugs?
Greetings from The Netherlands!