Has any one got a bad back after been a long time on steroids .Ihave been told i will always have that now,
bad back: Has any one got a bad back after been a... - PMRGCAuk
bad back

Hello. Not necessarily. Was this a medical person who said this? What is the back problem diagnosis!
I’ve had a bad back since waterski jumping in my teens. It would be hard to tell if PMR is contributing. But my hips, pelvis & back were the worst ever before & during & after my diagnosis. I religiously do my PT exercises and it works. Flares seem to make my back worse but that’s the original area I can’t move. Going well now.
I've had a bad back off and on for years, although not usually too bad. Because of the physiotherapy I've received since PMR my back is much better now.
Yes.. 4 mos in.. I am watching it.. but slight pain now every day.
SI joint I think on left.. low back pain on Right! Will see if it continues or worsens. Bummer!
I have a very bad back. Whether it is caused by having been on steroids long term I wouldn’t like to say. Have had an X-ray which shows quite severe arthritis in the lower spine. I have put it down to that rather than the steroids. I can only walk a short distance before having to sit down.
I have a very bad back, MRI showed it was a mess from top to bottom! I'm on a morphine patch for it and that works very well but with some exceptions if I do too much or just have the occasional bad day. I also have a back support to wear in emergencies.

That is a sweeping statement! Who made it?
I have myofascial pain sydrome that causes my bad back. I've had it most of my life - and it is more common alongside PMR as it is caused by the same inflammatory substances just located in different places. I have therapeutic massage at the local hospital physio department when it flares up - but between times it is pretty much OK unless I'm stupid and do the things I know aggravate it.
There are a lot of causes of back pain - and some can be managed and even cured. But you have to know the cause. An orthopaaedic doctor told me I had wear and tear in my lower spine, I would have to live with it. Since I couldn't walk or stand for more than 10-15 mins without pain that wasn't very encouraging. About 18 months later the hospital identified it was entirely muscle-based - and I was treated accordingly. It isn't cured - but I have none of the pain the doctor said I'd have to live with and what i do have can be dealt with with manual techniques.
Hi Ballyboy,
Be sure to have an MRI of your lumbar area, checking for spontaneous fractures. My wife has had 9 fractures from extended use of Prednisone. Hopefully for you that is not the case - but please check.
Take Care,
Jim & CJ
I have had a painful left hip since starting on steroids 3 yrs ago. X-rays show no problem with hip joint, just muscle weakness. Low dose of Paracetamol helps.
What a dispiriting thing to have said to you! It may be Lumber Bursitis that PMR patients are prone to. A physio might be more positive. There are simple exercises that can be done to strengthen your core.