Nothing about pmr just the delinquent cat I share a home with. She is usually very sly about getting on my quilts but tonight she has been really rude and not only climbed on it as soon as I laid it on my bed but proceeded to roll on it!! One naughty cat free to good home!!
Bad cat!!: Nothing about pmr just the delinquent... - PMRGCAuk
Bad cat!!

They do have a way of grabbing our attention, don’t they! 😸
Beautiful quilt! I have a dog that not only jumps on my bed but unmakes it so she can get comfortable!
Literally just finished the top of quilt and as it's a jigsaw needed to check it was the right colour in the right place and didn't get chance to check. I would give up making the bed if she started unmaking it!! She's finished annoying me now and is busy trying to get as far up my grandsons bed as she can for strokes! It's a mad house here
You make me want one. I sleep with my grandson’s stuffed sheep and my OH.
The quilt is beautiful, you are talented, and the cat is cute. I like cats more and more these days. I was always more of a dog person though.
That quilt has driven me mad. Every time I laid it out I needed to change something. I took up quilting when OH was ill and got addicted!! We had cats and dogs when I was young but dogs need so much input and cats are happy on their own. Mind you the cat was rescued by the youngest and was give to her sister who then moved and cat stayed with us. The rabbit was rescued by oldest daughter and with promises to help look after him she promptly left him to me. The youngest then adopted a poor little fancy rat who was on his own and arrived on the doorstep with him and a cage bigger than the rabbits hutch!! The1 rabbit hates everyone in the world including me!!
Well you know what they say, people have dogs but cats have staff. I think it’s pretty clear who’s in charge here 💕
My cat Tigger, pale ginger, thinks as soon as its light its time to get up. Shouts outside bedroom door till you let him in then pulls your hair until you get up and let him out.
Nice quilt! Independent cat! I miss my Joey...put her down about 6 weeks ago. Don’t miss taking her out in rain, snow or cold. Volunteer training Dec. 9 for animal rescue. I signed up to walk and play with dogs. I am cat phobic!
I replied to your post and it's vanished!? Your cat wants the smell of you, and so lies on anything with your smell, so she's near you. Sweetie pie! x
Your quilt is beautiful ,your cat obviously thinks you made it just for her,she loves those pretty colours and it is a very comfortable place to be ! Thankyou for posting love to hear about your cat,it lightens things up ,and of course your cat probably thinks she is in charge of everything and can do whatever she likes.
She's the boss definitely. She likes laying on either me or other half unless grandson is here and then she becomes his best friend even going as far as patting us with her paw if we go to move him under his covers!! She has made a point of laying on all quilts that go through here but she usually subtle and just edges.up to them when I have them on the floor and just gradually creeps on. She is also banned from my sewing room but will get in there every chance she gets aiming for a nice new collection of fabric that has usually just arrived!! I might add she has her own quilt but only uses that when all other quilts have been visited!! I know we are dealing with PMR/GCA but we need to laugh whenever we can if only to avoid crying!!
Love cats- yes I'll have her!! Fantastic quilt!!
Thanks. The quilt is for a client who has ordered at least 6 quilts for her family over 3 years and she wanted something bright just for her. I found out she likes doing jigsaws so decided on this for her. She hasn't seen it yet!!! The naughty cat is asleep with my grandson curled up just where his hand can reach to stroke her!
You must be very good to have clients . I'm sure she'll love it!
Oh i hope she does as she said surprise me and usually she asks for a certain colour and even a pattern.!! I didn't intend to sell the quilts and initially I only made them for family and friends. As a learner i thought they were ok but nothing special. Then my daughter's friends started having babies and she asked me to make a quilt for them and that's when other people saw the quilts and started ordering them. I am very lucky that a hobby turned into a job of sorts and that the job is something I live doing. It's just as well I sell them because there is a limit to the amount of quilts the family want!! Mind you my grandson is always declaring that each quilt I do he would like as his, even though he has 3 already and the cat thinks everything is hers. Even though she shouldn't be in my sewing room, when she does get in she will emerge from the piles of fabric and come and sit in front of my machine. Strangely I only have one quilt for me and OH because the quilts I try to make for us get taken by my girls!
So true Yellow bluebell,a laugh is a great tonic ,your cat certainly knows all the comfortable places ,my son’s cockerpoo puppy keeps them busy,last week she chewed two of my daughter in laws bra’s and a night dress,the previous week some of her Knickers ,she is not supposed to go upstairs but my grandchildren are to blame for that. The poor cat hides under my grandsons bed,his life is definitely not the same since the puppy arrived.
Oh i love it when you hear what puppies have chewed. They just dont care. When I had my cat at home my mum got a puppy, a mental springer spaniel and I thought my cat would be upset. I was so wrong as she spent her life terrorising the dog!! The dog spent his life chewing everything in sight including my mum's false teeth!! Every tea towel had a big hole in the middle because the daft dog met everyone with one but then wouldn't give it up!! My mum and dad set down rules about where the animals could go but were as bad as your grandchildren are at enforcing them. I didn't even bother setting rules as I knew I would give in before the kids. My cat has sussed out all the warm spots in the house and sometimes when the rabbit is in she will even lay next to him!! I have realised this house not only has mental humans in it but also mad pets!!
Just read this ,
My first puppy when I was a child age socks , not one by one either , but socks in a ball .
Before he was trained out of it there was many a tussle when half the ball was in and I had been able to grab one end and would fight to pull them out.
There was a news story you could probably look up from a few weeks ago on UK news about a dog that came home from the beach started to get ill , turned out it had eaten a 100+ pebbles , they showed the xrays and photo , crazy , but it was fine after the op to get them out. Surprised it could walk home!!
Cats are so much easier , well at least they don't eat your socks , they just sit on them!
Their cat seems frightened of the dog,or maybe he just finds it beneath him to even try and be friendly with her,she really is very naughty and chews anything she can get her teeth into,lncluding a remote control the other day.Nevertheless she is like a cuddly teddy bear and loves being cuddled .l adore rabbits but one would definitely not survive in the same house as the dog ,it is really sweet that your cat and rabbit get on so well.l hope that you are progressing well with your PMR ,having pets can be very soothing and calm us down which can only be a good thing while on Pred.,l look forward to cuddling the dog when l go to see my son and his family,even though she is a bundle of mad energy.Best wishes,Patricia x
Keep the cuddles up as they do you no end of good. The cat will get used to the dog eventually I am sure. My cat loves the rabbit but the rabbit hates everyone including the cat but tolerates me because I feed him!! When the cat sits next to him he just looks at me with contempt for allowing the cat to get near him but then he lays down next to her. Take care. Debby x
It sounds wonderful in your house Debby x
Is that the same cat from a photo that sneeks into a sewing room and start on your stash?Your cat definitely knows how to show its appreciation for your lovely quilts.
You really are very talented.
Get we all wish we could manage to show our appreciation by bending and rolling around like that !!
Love to the feline one and yourself
BEe xx
Love it when peopme love the quilts, thank you. Yep that's the same cat!! Shes like a bloody ninja the way she appears in certain places. She discovered a new place to sleep now as she's discovered the under stairs cupboard has my (secret stash) of fabric in it. I would definitely love to roll around like her but know I would end up looking like an upside down tortoise and would need the fire brigade to turn me the right way!! This would be after my OH had taken photos!!
Yes , me too! My kids would probably take the pics and post them straight on Instagram!
You know you have spoken to a true artist or crafter if they don't just have visible but "secret" stashes hidden around the house.
You are very talented , I am not surprised people are after buying your beautiful creations.
It's great when your hobby has the possibility of becoming your income , and you get to make money doing what you love, even if it's only to fund your " secret" stashes!!
Keep sewing !!
BEe xx
I have a few hidden stashes not just limited to fabric and I am very lucky to find a hobby that pays. Unfortunately my grandson needs certain fancy dress outfits which always seem to come from my stash. He's joseph in his school nativity so I ended up losing a couple of meters of fabric yesterday which means I need to go visit my favourite fabric sites this evening!!!
The biggest problem I have is with my youngest son in law who has a very wicked sense of humour and stores info up to use later but has also started performing in a comedy club and is using some of the mad things I manage to get myself in as part of his routine!! I really do dislike some of the menbers of my family.
Take care.Debbyx
Take it as a compliment , only the most interesting people are feed for great anecdotes and good comedy ( although that's what I keep telling myself as my activities seem to be a regular entertainment for my daughter's friends).
It is really annoying when you family want you to use a really nice piece of fabric from your stash that you hadn't got a use for yet but didn't want to part with. I hope Jesus notes the sacrifice you made for his birthday celebrations and gets St Nick to bring something nice to replace it!
I read a post somewhere recently that said that buying craft materials is as much of a hobby as using them. After the hour of fun I spent the other night on my favourite internet art shop ( allegedly purchasing Christmas presents but then buying more gifts for my stash than my family) I am inclined to agree.
Merry sewing seasons greetings
BEe xx
I am a constant source of amusement to my family apparently and I will use your reasoning that I must be very interesting!!
I absolutely love browsing through craft/fabric shops online and in my favourite (connecting threads in america) I fill my basket and then empty it and start again! It keeps me amused for hours. Then I go on eBay and browse there as well. I have been banned from hobby craft and The Range by OH and need an escort around my local fabric store, but I can get around that one by parking him in the attached coffee shop and buying him cake. I do the same as you and go on the pretext of shopping for others but it's usually one for them, two for me. A lot of my stash is fabric I adore but do not have a specific use for yet and using it for a joseph outfit hurt a bit but he will be the most expensively dressed child in the play.
I hope you actually managed to buy some presents whilst browsing. I haven't even started to be honest. I must concentrate more on buying gifts and not on replenishing the stack. Hope you are doing better than me!! Debbyx
No , you have your buying strategy right , although I go with the three for me , one for you principle !
Yes, depositing your husband in the cafe with his favourite cake is a perfect way of getting to increase your stash.
The most successful ploy I have used over the years is to buy in sales or at markets , then tell my OH how clever I have been by managing to buy stuff with such reductions that I have saved him money. It only cost this.... says me. They usually cost.... I continue , Wow, that's really good , well done , says hubby.
Plus , he is a mad pompom maker ( his nickname at the craft centre is Professor Pompom ) and an amazing paper origami and fractal sculpture maker , so buy him a cool ball of yarn , some eyes and a wedge of good paper and card and I am let off with my giant sack of stuff .
My husband wouldn't dare to ban me from anywhere , he knows I would go like a sneek thief and probably buy twice as much in case I couldn't get there again. Plus , it means he gets no cake stop or the chance to spend ages in the comic book store and ukelele shop.
Do you just sell locally or on a website or page on something like Etsy?
Do you have a webpage where we could look at photos of your makes I would love to see more.
Most recent best find , 8 metres of Sanderson Floral Curtain weight , vintage , mint in bag and never used at the charity shop for just £10!!!!
And a pair of tortoiseshell knitting needles from 1920's for 20p!
Wow you got some great bargains. Especially the curtain material as it's usually expensive. There is a bloke on ebay called the fabric man who sells end of roll/off cuts but they are often 3/4 meters long and I have only paid 5/6 pound for them. I like curtain material for some quilts as the designs are pretty and very different to quilt fabrics.
I love rummaging in piles of fabric and can spend hours just stroking fabric (not sure I should have admitted that).
I have a web site and an etsy page but my daughter is working on both atm because due to an error on my part I managed to crash my website, but will send you details as soon as she's done with them. I mistakenly decided to offer a free quilt as a prize for a competition i ran and thought it might get a few hundred entries but when it closed last week there were over 2000 entries, and a knackered web site and my poor daughter is ploughing her way through not only getting the correct answers off the entrants but also trying to get the site back up. She still hasn't forgiven me as she reckons I knew it would be popular just before Christmas!! I just like to make sure she's using the degree I paid for!
What did you make with the fabric? I never find deals like your needles when I am browsing. I love origami and pompom making as well but am very undisciplined about finishing some projects. My husband loves model lorry making and painting so I also use that against him to get more fabric indoors. He keeps his lorries and I sell my work, so obviously I need to spend more money on fabric!! I also give some away in competitions so that's another reason to spend more money. My favourite excuse is that fabric is really really cheap in America but if I spend over a certain value they send it post free!! My only issue with this is I have to wait for a week to receive my goodies. I am not a patient person and spend the week hounding the postman. He's a nervous wreck!!
You obviously knit but I think you do lots more than that, so what other crafts do you do?
I am off to fill my basket with fabric online and then I might get on to proper shopping, maybe... Debbyx
Until this illness hit me very hard this year I was working professionally .
I am a nature artist and designer.
I create alot of work from natural materials and living art pieces , many of a large scale in natural places like gardens, forests and on walking paths. I also fuse natural materials with modern manmade materials , or use natural or synthetic materials to create artworks that mirror natural environments.
I haven't been able to work properly since April because of the pain and dizziness and vision issues I am getting , the work is either very active or the close up work is causing more optical migraines. But I live in hope.
I also used to teach in a community craft centre , I do knit , crochet and felt but my main fabric work is creating costume fashions that appear like landscapes and weaving with naturally dyed fabrics and wools and 3d embroidery.
Most of my works are sculptures, paintings , illustrations and metalworks using natural materials and growing art materials . I make furniture and home products and jewellery too , all media work to create a full image of an environment in a simple aesthetic style rather than celebrating one artistic form.
I am in the crashed website world at the moment too. I was just resetting it to present my new gallery and taking new photos when my bodily system crashed so I will have to get my squiffing eyes sorted to get it done.
Can't wait
Hugs BEE xx
PS There is nothing wrong with stroking fabric , sniffing it , playing with your art materials or just buying it to look at and display it. Keep it up , matey! it's a tradition worth teaching future generations . My daughter always loves grabbing a ball of wool and squashing it until the paper strap pops. She can do something I have never been able to master , spinning.
I have a little old fashioned spindle and some gorgeous balls of wool that I must get out of the cupboard and have a go at. It could be a very short attempt as I think I am going to lose patience quite quickly!!
Your crafting sounds phenomenal, I wish I could do some of them. I knit, crochet, quill and other sewing crafts and also do jewellery making but my big love is obviously the quilting.
Last year I taught at a woman's group for the probation service and loved it. Most of them didn't originally want to be there and swore they couldn't do anything artistic but were very surprised at what they could do. They then sold their crafts at a Christmas market and raised money for a local hospice. We were very proud of them and most of them have continued some sort of crafting. After being involved in the legal system for so many years it was fantastic to see another side to these woman and the probation service.
My eldest can knit but isn't into crafting that much but is very musical and the youngest is completely tone deaf but is very crafty. Our grandson is showing a big interest in baking with me and gardening.
Are you having surgery on your eyes? Is that because of the pred? I am paranoid about every unusual pain I get imagining it is the pmr or worse still GCA. I never used to be so sad about my health until this little gem took hold.
I hope you get your site up soon, it's really annoying when there are glitches. My daughter is over tomorrow and hopefully my site can go live again. We shall see!! Debbyx
No, the vision issues aren't because of the Pred , although part of the GCA/ PMR symptoms , I am being checked ( second appointment this Tuesday , argh!) for another autoimmune issue and an autoinflammatory disease called Behcets , there is also the possibility of EDS !!
Hopefully , they will make a final decision of what disease crossover I have , as at the moment my medication is not bringing my condition into control.
All the other things going on with my gastro, vascular and neuro symptoms means that my drugs cannot be altered precisely to control my symptoms day to day. My most wanted Christmas gift wish is a complete diagnosis and a day without pain really.
It's great teaching others , just before this hit last year I was about to start workshops to teach people traditional crafts from natural materials. I love helping at our local craft centre , kids and adults ,especially those people who don't think they are arty or will be interested and plan to just sit in a corner with a cuppa . It's great coaxing them to have go and seeing them light up with the results of what they can do . Many of them end up coming back time and again , some even help there now too or sell their wares.
The best experience I had teaching was a young boy whom I taught to see a zombie sock puppet ( with blood ) came back every time he could who is now finishing his exams to go to Fashion College , oh , and a woman from Brasil who spoke as little English as I spoke Portuguese that I taught to knit just before she caught her plane.
I Home Schooled both my daughter's , my eldest is climbing the ladder in the film industry as a art director/set dresser and prop maker . She has worked on the new series of His Dark Materials and with the BBC on the Spanish Princess .
My youngest has just finished crocheting an army of robins , is a better illustrator than all of us but she takes after the other family tradition of music and her real skill is song writing . She just needs her confidence to grow and she will go far .
Luckily , although I have been slowly getting systematically ill for over 10 years, I managed to finish the good work with them before things kicked in so viciously that it affects my eyes , mobility and brain in a way that often makes me useless to all.
Sounds like you managed to raise a crazy , talented brood too.
Did you say you are a New Yorker? City or Country?
Thanks for the chat I have really enjoyed it , this site and the people on it really does help make the days alot easier as well as educating us on health doesn't it.
BEE xx
No not american at all. Geordie by birth but been in the south of england for over half my life now much to my very Geordie mums disgust!! She can not quite believe I no longer have a Geordie accent even though I have been down south since I was 18. She hasn't forgiven me either!! When I became a barrister she said that's why my accent had changed so I could fit in!! What she doesn't know is that if I get angry in court my accent changes back to geordie!!
Your daughters sound like they are doing very well.with their chosen paths and to be honest that's all you want for your children. I didn't care what they wanted to do as long as they were happy. The eldest is a dispensing optician and loving it although she swore she couldn't do maths and yet uses it all day and the youngest is a digital marketing manager (I think.that means she deals with everything computerish)
My daughters have managed to turn out quite normal considering how zany and mad i can be. The oldest is the more conservative and the youngest is showing signs of being slightly mad like her mother. Was home schooling difficult. A friend taught at home because she didn't feel the school taught religion in the right way. I know I would not have the patience to do it.
I hope you can get some answers when you see the doctors. It's hard being ill but especially bad when no one can give you a definite diagnosis and the right treatment. I had been to the doctors so many times and was constantly told all my problems were down to the the constant shoulder ops I had had. I eventually saw the senior partner and he instantly said he thought I had pmr. Even though i had worked in an nhs legal team for 15 years I hadn't even heard of the disease. I read other people's stories on the site and I am very lucky in not having some of the problems others have.
I have thoroughly enjoyed chatting and am looking forward to seeing your art when you get the web site sorted out.
Make sure you let me know how you get on with the doctors, good or bad I am always here for a rant or shoulder to cry on if needed. Take care. Debbyx
Thanks so much,
I don't know why I thought you were an American , brain fog probably.
Mad really, as I knew you said you are a Barrister , and the Americans don't use that title. Did you have a cool wig?
My uncle did , when I was little I used to steal it and bang my plastic hammer shouting order at everybody. I thought about the Law myself ( really like the persuasive arguing and loved Moot Society ) but I went off on a Literature route instead.
Home Schooling was in some ways restricting and in others liberating. The girls were both very different to most in the village or the local schools and I got fed up of seeing them have to put on a person costume for school to fit in . It was becoming harder each day they were loosing themselves , so Home School worked , and it meant they could study lots more subjects pre 16 than they could at school. They were in lots of clubs , volunteer groups, and we were part of a Home School club so all the socialisation was achieved. In fact , I think you can tell a Home Schooled kid from a mile away , they are the ones who will have a conversation with anyone of any age .
I will let you know when I can get my site back up and the results , I am unfortunate in being one of those people who seem to be collecting autoimmune conditions , probably because of one underlying condition that has never been properly diagnosed and therefore treated for so long triggering the rest. Find the key and I am sure I will be driving the world mad again. Until then , I will just have to show my madness to great folks like you on here .
Take care BEE xx
Yes to the wig. My new neighbours thought I did some sort of wierd stripagram act after seeing my court gear haning up un the backof the car. Apparently barristers don't do daft things!! They finally realised I was as mad as a hatter when they saw me in our pool, fully dressed laying on a blow up crocodile with a glass of red wine in my hand.
Hopefully this appt will be fruitfull and give you the answers to all the questions you have. Debbyx
You sound like you give your neighbours as much to talk about as I do.
Barristers do have a crazy funstreak , at least the Barristers I have known do, my Mum used to teach a tap class for a bunch of male barristers on the Wirral , and my Uncle always had a wicked sense of humour .
I will have to come and join you one day at your poolside and really give them something to talk about.
BEE xx
Sounds like a plan and it gives them something to talk about other than me. It can be hard being the sole village entertainment. I am joining the woman's institute that runs in the village hall which should spread my delinquency a little further or at least until they throw me out. I would have loved to blame the pred for my madness but I was always a bit zany before so can only blame the pred for making me less likely to care what anyone thinks of my antics. I think you need to be a bit of an odd ball to go into law full stop but think the job makes your odd bits more obvious. Debbyx
Just out of interest , how do you manage to get on an inflatable crocodile in a pool, fully clothed , with a glass of wine without getting wet or falling in ?
Sounds like one of those challenges they would do in a activity game show , and far beyond my wobbly skills at the moment.
Wish I had a pool at home at the moment though, swimming is one of the only exercises I can seem to do without getting dizzy and more pain, I think I would live in the water at the moment if I could , although my mermaid days are far beyond me.
How do you think you neighbours would react to someone in full wetsuit , swimming gloves and batman goggles?
You joke about a wetsuit but i actually have a drysuit from my diving days and its bright yellow because it wound the male divers up because apparently diving instructors should wear black and i enjoy pressing buttons on people to get a reaction. I doubt I could be bothered to fight my way into it but feel free to try yourself but it could be messy with your dizziness.
Oh i got really wet as I had to climb in to the pool first. I climbed in and then all I had to do was climb ladylike onto to the crocodile. This did not happen as I imagined it and it involved a lot of falling off and some major swearing and involved me sitting backwards and upside down before I got myself the right way round. Fortunately my husband was too busy laughing to take pictures. Once I was the right way up I instructed the OH to hand me the wine. It was only when I was finally able to recline that I realised that in a 100 foot garden there is a small space where we have a low fence and my neighbours were peering over it. I dont know how to describe the looks on their faces but I doubt very much their previous neighbours had ever done anything like I was doing. I just waved to them as if it was completely normal to see a woman of 55 full clothed sitting on a large blow up crocodile whilst drinking from what can only be described as a very large glass of wine. There is no chance they would think wearing a wet suit and bat man goggles would be odd and would only go to confirm that not only was I mad but my friends were too. A week later when my youngest and son in law were here we had a plastic sliding sheet laid out and every one was sliding along it on their stomachs making huge amounts of noise and we realised that once again the neighbours were watching only this time didn't even look surprised.!! I don't know what they expected when we moved in a year ago but I am pretty certain it wasn't me. Feel free to bring your own blow up float!! I did consider jumping from the side but knew I would miss it completely!!! We can always get a step.ladder out to help you in but I can guarantee I will be too busy laughing to help you much!! As I provide the village entertainment we could even sell the event!! Love Debbyx
Just another sign the whole family is as mad as hatters. Just sitting on the settee minding my own business drinking coffee when the settee starts moving!! No I am not imagining things, the idiots I call family are playing on the switch and are shaking their arms up and down so much the settee has actually moved and my coffee is all over the floor!! It's a bloody madhouse and I may need to go and lay down for a bit.x