Hello all, I’m now 18 months into my PMR journey, it’s been complicated by having to deal with bladder cancer which was only discovered during a PMR related test. (Every cloud!) I’ve recently completed a year long course of treatment for the cancer, the last treatment particularly has made the PMR worse and I suspect, has contributed to a third flair.
I am aware that the main trigger for these flairs has been my tapering (very slowly) to a dose which has not at been sufficient to keep the PMR suppressed. So I have two questions, 1, knowing that my symptoms flair if I try to go below 6mg daily, should I accept that this is my minimum dose and just stick at this dose until the PMR decides to go? and 2, what is the best way to deal with a flair? After previous flairs I have upped my dose by 3or 4 mg for 3 days to get the inflammation under control and then dropped back to a dose 1mg higher than that at which the flair happened. (Normally a drop of this size in one a go would not be possible but because I had been on the higher dose only briefly, it has been fine) . I’ve been trying this method of dealing with my flair but on this occasion I’ve haven’t been as successful as I have in the past ( like I say , I think that the last cancer treatment was just one step too far for my weakened immune system. I’m seeing my GP on Friday but to be honest I would value your advice more! Many thanks in advance.