I’m confused. I was diagnosed with PMR in January when I finally rang the GP after months of pain getting progressively worse. That was diagnosed because I could barely raise my arms from my sides and had bad pains in my shoulders, upper arms and hips and could hardly get out of bed in the mornings. I was put on 15mg Predinisilone which took a couple of days to control the pain but did work. GP advised going down to 12.5mg after 9 weeks which works some days but not others. She has now decided that maybe it’s not PMR after all because the inflammatory markers are still higher than she would have expected and because the pain I have now can be pretty much anywhere but most often in my right wrist and my knees. On the days that I have pain, sometimes it gets worse after I’ve got out of bed. The GP says none of these things are symptomatic of PMR.
The GP has referred me to a rheumologist but has otherwise pretty much abandoned me! I’ve been trawling this amazing forum to try to find out what is typical and it seems that many have very varying symptoms and degrees of pain,
I suppose I’m a bit fazed by the sheer amount of information here and could really do with some advice about anything specific I should ask the rheumatologist when I see her apart from giving her the history of the progression of whatever It is.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance and thanks for being such an incredible resource.