Prednisone: The Steroid That Can Make You Feel Crazy - PMRGCAuk


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Prednisone: The Steroid That Can Make You Feel Crazy

65 Replies

Interesting article.... however, nothing we didn't already know, right?

Why don't doctor's mention this?


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65 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Many doctors tell patients NOT to read the data sheet - "because if you expect the side effects, you will have them!

If they say so - but it would be an idea if, when their patients demonstrate side effects, they were able to identify them!

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to PMRpro

And as the article says "knowledge is power" and heavens forbid that balance may shift especially with doctors who also suffer from short man syndrome.

in reply to PMRpro

Never been told that myself!

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to

Great and good to hear, then you haven't got the attitude that comes with the chip that's bigger than the man of short stature who has to be an a#@e to get himself noticed!! 😎

in reply to Angiejnz

Hey. I was 5' 7 at my peak! You seem to have some agenda here yourself!

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to

You're right, I'm 5 ft 9 and had issues with short men being affronted they couldn't be dominating. It also may be a NZ thing as I didn't make up the name, it's a well known syndrome, who knows 🤔

in reply to Angiejnz

Not another syndrome!! There are hundreds of them! Or maybe thousands! ATB

Christophene47 profile image
Christophene47 in reply to PMRpro

On a recent visit to my local pharmacy, I overheard a lady ask for a print out of side effects for an anti-depressant. ( So much for privacy laws). The pharmacist said, of course, I am obligated to give it when asked, but with the caveat that " sometimes knowing side effects becomes a self fulfilling prophecy."

I don't look at side effects until I have one.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Christophene47

I wouldn't bother - all online! But yes - except it is often a good idea to be aware...

Rugger profile image

I don't think my GP mentioned all the side effects, but the leaflets in the packets of tablets did and continue to do!

".....Mood changes (feeling depressed or 'high'); ....serious mental health problems; feeling depressed, including thinking about suicide; feeling high (mania) or moods that go up and down; feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, difficulty in thinking or being confused and losing your memory; feeling, seeing or hearing things which do not exist. Having strange or frightening thoughts, changing how you act or having feelings of being alone....."

Need I say more? Just ask my OH!

in reply to Rugger

Hahahahahaha... I'll bet our OH's could write a much more information, realistic, comprehensive patient-information-leaflet than they supply now!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

From a very safe distance methinks.

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to SheffieldJane

Through the window of my padded cell perhaps, safer for him there

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply to

And it wouldn't be put as nicely either 😀

in reply to Rugger

I heard some amazing conversations between the Blackbirds!! A friend mistook a door stop for a mouse while in hospital! I could go on!!!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Those are delightful ones. Especially being able to speak blackbird.

in reply to SheffieldJane

You don't know what they were saying!!!

in reply to

...but they know! That is all that matters!

in reply to

Oh my! I got up to go to toilet in middle of night I was 100% sure there were 3 huge Horseflies, all lined up in perfect formation on the wall! Thought it was weird, but closed bedroom door and went back to bed. Next morning I realised it was my DIY project that had gone awry!!!!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Rugger

The feelings of being alone in my case are because for the most part, I am. It’s an interesting one to include - probably because this is an isolating, little understood illness.

Christophene47 profile image
Christophene47 in reply to SheffieldJane

Even if you're not alone, you can still feel alone. My husband does not speak anything but French. I speak proficiently, but not fluently. He has no problem out and about, finding what he needs or we need.

But I wanted to be sure he understood this illness before marrying me. So I did a Google translation. He has taken over all household tasks, certainly understands the fatigue.

However, whenever he mentions prednisone, he calls it "parmesan." I have no heart to correct him because it always gives me a laugh.

And I do wear a medical ID bracelet which he knows to bring attention to should we wind up in a hospital and I can't speak for myself, with the phone #s of my doctor, brother and daughter who do understand the disease in English.

On to the next " parmesan "taper.

in reply to Christophene47

Oooooo, I love that, "parmesan!" It almost make sit sounds sweet and tolerable!

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to Rugger

If you can see or hear things, how do you know they are not there? 😱

in reply to CT-5012

Certainly true with a train coming towards you CT! Don't want to test that though!!

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to

Despite the blackbirds telling you it's the ice cream van so you'd better catch it

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Used to have a track safety cert but its now out of date 😊

in reply to CT-5012

I agree!

“Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so.

You're entirely Bonkers.

But I will tell you a secret,

All the best people are.”

~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to

Well that's popped my bubble, in my mind I thought I was the one who wrote this...or was I Lewis in a former life. Yeah completely bonkers

in reply to Angiejnz


sondya profile image

I was sure I was bad-tempered and blamed prednisone. Asked my GP about it. She said were you bad-tempered before.

Um, yes.

We moved onto another subject.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to sondya

Many of the alleged pred side effects are effects of unmanaged PMR. Maybe they remain effects of managed PMR?

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Yes agree PMRpro - a lot of the stuff we ascribe to 'Pred' - you know our old adage here: 'Blame the Pred !!' could just as easily be a consequence of the disease if not as well factors like our essential temperament - which is of course necessarily impacted by everything we have to steer through. Then anyway life does become more challenging for most of us even 'healthy' people as we age - after all we won't (unless hit by a bus or similar) die 'healthy'. Not to be morbid but while yes for some Pred can create extra difficulties it also alleviates so many others - like (in addition to PMR pain) those nice little aches & pains which are likely just 'normal ageing' but which I have not 'missed' at all due to nearly 18 months on Pred. Mood - well it can swing up and down and at high doses be very strange - but for most of us at moderate to lower doses - I am yet to be convinced it IS all about the Pred - I think it is most often just about 'life'...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Exactly - I had plenty of time to experience what unmanaged PMR does to you so when I hear people say "it's the pred" I know it isn't necessarily so. Life with pred is so much less unpleasant than without it.

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to sondya

I think I've got your doctor's twin brother, he said that too or words to that effect except I remember him mentioning the term nutty....

in reply to sondya


in reply to sondya


Chrob profile image

My gp said at first when prescribing to tell OH I could possibly be a bit crazy , his reply when told was , how I will I know , there will be no change there then !

in reply to Chrob

: )

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to Chrob

Ditto 😎

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Chrob

Is your OH related to mine?

in reply to Telian

...and mine!?

peace_lover profile image

Hmm.. I’m absolutely fine. I never tell home truths to my husband since being on Pred. I don’t wander the garden with a torch at night talking to random hedgehogs. 🦔But recently the cat 🐈 starting writing posts.

The doc didn’t warn me about that ( or any side effects btw).

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to peace_lover


Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to peace_lover

Lol 😂😹

in reply to peace_lover

Love it! I thought your posts had a different writing style!

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to

?? Are you saying the cat writes in italics???😼 On pawpous?

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to Angiejnz

Must be the heat. 😂😂😂😂😂

Angiejnz profile image
Angiejnz in reply to CT-5012

Now there's lots I could add to that but in respect of people's sensitivity I'll refrain and not say anything about cats getting neutered, or anything like that 😻

in reply to Angiejnz

Hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! Good on ya!

SheffieldJane profile image

Oh! Thanks for posting this, it puts it in a nutshell really. Definitely didn’t have enough euphoria.

Christophene47 profile image
Christophene47 in reply to SheffieldJane

But enough euphoria; sick and euphoric we are as we trip down the rabbot hole and we are always late for that very important date with who? Dr. Oz?

Canygirl61 profile image

Prednisone caused a colleague of mine had to be corralled and taken to the hospital. Apparently she was in her front yard screaming at no one in particular. Her kindly husband was somehow able to subdue her. The nurse at the hospital said, “Oh yes, steroid psychosis; bring her back (into the examination room).” 👀

in reply to Canygirl61


Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Canygirl61

I've had sleep psychosis, if there is such a thing, according to OH and euphoria....

Telian profile image

Shall we do a group 'leave our head to science' donation?

Marijo1951 profile image

My rheumy, Dr Pamela Mangat at the Royal Free Hospital, took the trouble to warn me during our first meeting that a few people experience psychological problems when taking pred. She advised me to seek help immediately if I felt depressed or anxious in any way.

in reply to Marijo1951

That's really good!

Marijo1951 profile image

Yes, she is very caring about her patients - only drawback she's a bit too insistent about the bisphosphonates...

in reply to Marijo1951

Ahhhhh, well... there's always something, isn't there? You can resist though... it just gets tiring! : (

Christophene47 profile image

Yes, why don't they? Because it is all they have to help with diagosis and relief. But we should be informed, and sign an informed consent document, acknowledging the good, the bad and the ugly.

Although I would not know, is it harder to get off Prednisone or heroin?

in reply to Christophene47

Good question????

Christophene47 profile image

Dear mamic,

I can't say I feel crazy (now on prednisone 22 months), But my daughter, who has RA, said it did make her crazy. She got paranoid about her husband who was opening mail with a letter opener near her; she interpreted his letter opening as a threat, she called the police!

The police came, and they were both arrested for domestic violence although there had been no violence. Charges dropped by judge, thankfully.

Years later, they divorced anyway. Oh well....

in reply to Christophene47

OMG! ...was he "gaslighting" her, was was she "really" paranoid???

You may never know! : o

Christophene47 profile image

I'll never know and don't want to. But she got off all RA meds, and know relies on med marijuana for flares

9/15 13 years ago, my granddaughter, was born 9

weeks premature on life support. Touch and go. Today, she is cute as a button and an honor roll student.

That being said, a few months after her birth, my daughter became very ill; eventually rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed; she refuses all meds and relies on medical marijuana for flares.

PS Was tried on an infusion of Remicaid and could not breathe. That was the final straw for her.

9/15 is a date we all will remember.

in reply to Christophene47

Wow! I wish her (and you) the very best) what a journey.....

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