Having just had the most awful week, believed to be caused by reaction of antibiotics whilst taking steroids, I thought I would write a little cautionary tale as I think it has been mentioned on here before, but not sure. In early June after a sample water test at the surgery it was found I had another UTI, although no symptoms. First antibiotics didn't work, second type ended on the third day when, being a Saturday, I had to phone NHS111 as felt desperately ill. They were amazing and insisted on sending an ambulance and crew who checked me over. Wanted to take me off to hospital but couldn't leave my 95 year old husband alone (dementia, another story). The crew then sent for a colleague who sorted me out until I could get to my GP on the Monday. Duly went and was prescribed Ciprofloxacin. Bells were ringing in my head from something I'd read here but not really sure what and put my faith in the fact that my GP knows the meds I'm on so it must be ok, and only for five days! On the fourth day (Thursday)I felt pains between my calves and ankles, so rang GP to check and was advised to finish the course as only one more day. Oh my goodness! That afternoon and next day, Friday, I began to suspect I had developed tendonitis. I thought I had knives in the backs of my legs, the pains were excruciating when I tried to walk, though thankfully not when sitting or lying. I could barely shuffle using a walking frame and had to move with a sort of sideways slide like a crab! I've since called for a GP home visit but won't go into that here, suffice to say no help at all. It is now the sixth day since finishing the course of antibiotics and glad to say much less pain now and shuffling, housebound, with a stick, even if very slowly. I only hope when I take my next sample the UTI has cleared after all this! I was also extremely worried about a PMR flare but praise be, my magic 9 mg daily has so far kept that under control. I don't think I could have dealt with anything else and was already "on the edge" being so immobile, etc.
To repeat my words of caution, the final antibiotic I was given was a good commonly used one, called Ciprofloxacin, a type of quinolone, but which I believe should not be taken when already taking steroids for some length of time. I think that is correct, but our lovely experts would be more able to confirm this.
Thank you for reading this and I hope it will give some little pause for thought for all the many others of you who also might have need of antibiotics whilst taking steroids.