Greetings All on a Friday Evening in the UK
Well, what to say and where to start..?!
First, Hoping you're all Coping (please forgive the accidental cheesy rhyme). I'm still tuning-in every day to your various Posts and stories: but as a few of You Lot will know, Life's been hectic here with my home move (and all that goes with such things..), so I haven't had the time or energy to contribute and respond here as I would normally like to. 'Cream Krackered' is the best description for how I feel. You non-Brit PMR GCA Lot might be able to work-out the Cockney Rhyming slang. If not, ask Dorset Lady or PMRpro
Here: all's gone well and I'm officially IN at the new Residence. 37 pairs of shoes neatly organised (Imelda Marcos would be proud..), priceless collection of 14 original Van Gogh paintings ('snaffled' at charity shops for a few old fashioned 'English Quid') proudly hung, antique Roman marble statues balanced carefully on the balcony, and the inimitable but devious Tedski now securely chained-up outside, on a curfew and having had the Limo keys confiscated and his passport revoked after his recent escapades with the enigmatic 'Olga' in the Salisbury area of the UK. It's difficult to get good staff nowadays...
More relevant perhaps (?), progress on my Zero Pred Double Agent experience from a few weeks ago. Ok, as I suspected: Club Zero was only a temporary / provisional membership with conditions attached, no guarantees, and in context. Due to the sheer physical 'load' (heavy lifting, shifting, doing, organising etc) for 3 weeks, I confess that I've dipped-back (under cover) into the Pred Club a few times when feeling the need to top-up on Cortisol and the physiological Energy Battery. I trust You Lot not to blow my cover...
By 'dipped back', I mean: when feeling the DF (Deathly Fatigue) after much Humping and / or feeling Very Stiff and Aching in the mornings (no smutty innuendos please, Aunties...), I've taken to 'popping' just a few Mgs of Pred (e.g. 2 / 3 / 4) as appropriate on some days to balance out the worst of the symptoms if and when necessary. It really is a case of Day by Day - and, again, in context.
My (amateur) Conclusion?
At these relatively low (or even Zero?) levels of Pred, my logic / intuition / experience / learning from this trusted Community is that varying degrees of external 'Load / Stress' (physical and / or psychological) can and will still put some strain on a complex and fragile Adrenal / HPA set-up after a long lay-off with PMR (and perhaps GCA). But I acknowledge that with long-term artificial Corticosteroid intervention - and even if we feel that we are 'out of the woods' with these types of AI illnesses and the medication that manage their symptoms, they are so difficult to predict or manage at the best of times.
So, perhaps.. we have to try to exercise some Judgment about what's 'best' to do in terms of Pred dosage / patterns in our personal context at the same time as following even the most respected of tapering regimens? Yes, it's a difficult call for those of Us Lot who like and / or need Predictability and Certainty in Life.
That's my best shot at justifying my (new) Pred Club / Pred Club Zero 'Double Life' from day to day. Although I respect the overall principles and success of the DSNS Pred tapering methodology, I do feel from experience that Context also matters - and that when it comes to the crunch, we have to make informed decisions and judgements about what is best to do / not do in terms of Pred 'toggling' (+/-) in our own context. Confusing or what?! But at least, we have a reliable and trusted sounding-board for our experiences and concerns here.
But there's better news to come (or worse, depending on where you are on the PMR / GCA / Pred Journey, and in your own context). I'll probably be rambling-on about my Double Identity / the PMR Pred Paradox for some time to come. So, for the few (i.e. 5-and-a-half) of my Followers here who miss my Ramblings (Ha ha - as if!), I WILL BE BACK!!!! For those of You Lot who don't know me, all I can say is: count your blessings
Best Wishes to All for a peaceful weekend wherever you are. And, as important, try to keep smiling on the PMR GCA Journey through the Tough Bits
'Uncle' MB
p.s. Pics of the panoramic views from the South Wing of MB Mansions to follow as soon as I have the energy to lift the camera - and also to fight-off an increasingly belligerent Tedski on the balcony...