Hi All
So I was diagnosed (by a very experienced, but not friendly consultant) in June 2015 with PMR/GCA, having been ill for several years. 48 hours on 40mgs of preds and felt like a new person.
So like others had a journey to get to this point - so will try and be brief but would appreciate your thoughts on the following:
I saw a private consultant last Autumn who agreed with both diagnoses made, I then managed to get on her NHS list.
She then seemed to start to hesitate on the above diagnosis, suggesting seronegative inflammatory arthritis then following appointment adding Fibro to the mix. She put me on various drugs, which I couldn't tolerate, (Prev on Methotrexate) Azathioprine, Leflunomide, Salazaprine & Amitripyline. She also suggested my pains were caused by quality sleep depravation, hence the Amitriptyline. I must stay on 7mgs of preds she said and not reduce because of the inflammation.
So today, (4 months later) she seemed very distracted. Has decided that maybe I have none of the above. Despite temple pain and face pain in January that responded to preds, and has now settled again, and having raised ESR etc - she asked how I knew it was GCA, I said was the same pain, tight band accross head and couldnt lay on pillow my temple was so sore and jaw and face painful. She was unconvinnced because I couldnt say if my jaw hurt more whenI chewed. Now I have to reduce preds and eventually come off. Have to have scans -thinks pain in shoulders/neck and ankles could be tendonitis ............. didnt comment on my fatigue, sore hips, back, fingers, stiffness in the morning and I could go on. Just ignore the headache if it doesnt hurt more when I chew ......?!
Oh but take Deloxotine, helps with chronic pain and fibro ..... is it addictive I ask? well yes a bit! (I am not taking anymore drugs before I find out what is wrong with me!)
You may have had it she said but she is not convinced I do now. I will see my GP when the report comes. Does anyone know, do I need to be under a consultant? My GP is reasonable and consistent!
Feeling pretty fed up.
Any thoughts please? Many thanks