Can younger people develop PMR? or is it only people over the age of 50 years old? Also is PMR related to any hereditary conditions with similar symptoms?
PMR: Can younger people develop PMR? or is it only... - PMRGCAuk

We have had people in their mid to late 40s with a PMR diagnosis but it’s rare. I think our set of symptoms in a young person would be more likely to be something like RA or glandular fever or even an odd virus. Do you have someone in mind?

Hello Horizon, I have recently heard that my friend's daughter who lives in France has finally been diagnosed with PMR plus a couple of other add-ons after suffering for over a year - she was 39 at the start of her illness.
That's sad. At least she can hopefully come to terms with it now.
Horizon, I do hope your daughter can be recommended to someone who is prepared to think outside the box and reach a definitive diagnosis with treatment that gives her back her quality of life. Some of us don’t follow the rule book when it comes to getting ill! Fingers crossed for her.🤞
Short answer is 'Yes'.
Auto-immune illnesses are no respecters of statistics.
The difficulty comes with diagnosis as medics are 'hooked' on statistics and guidelines and getting them to overcome that 'age' range can be very problematic.
A lady who is 22 has GCA and PMR.
You live and learn. The poor souls!

They CAN develop PMR - the youngest case reported in the medical literature was a male in their early 20s. But the received wisdom is that under 50s very rarely develop PMR. I disagree - I think they are labelled as fibromyalgia, menopausal, depressive, somatism - or even just "I don't know".
As jinasc says disorders don't obey the rules nor the statistics created by biased observers.
However, PMR is just the name given to a set of symptoms caused by an underlying disorder - and there are many. The trick is to identify it correctly.
The hardest thing is getting a diagnosis of any sorts. My daughter now has to use a wheelchair because, she aches all over and suffers chronic fatigue although that has never been diagnosed either.

I'm assuming you didn't mean to post this here? This thread is 3 years old - so no idea how your reply to (I assume) the latest post today got here!!!