After 3 months of gp and diabetic nurse faffing about prescribing Trulicity prescription requested by consultant I collected this last night. Excuse was ' consultants letter, there was some confusion' - (too blooming simple to contact him)!! I attended local hospital this morning and saw their diabetic nurse. What a relief. She asked how long I'd been taking Trulicity - err, only got it yesterday !! Maybe waste of appt but she showed me how to use 'pen' - so easy and didn't hurt. Was sympathetic to my pmr/ pred problems, gave good advice, contact details and most of all, listened. Will eventually be referred back to gp's diabetic clinic but I'm on their case. My health could seriously been jeopordised in those 3 months - for medical people they don't seem to know their a**e from their elbow! I seem to have a bad case of Tourette's too at present. Haha!
At last, an appointment which was beneficial! - PMRGCAuk
At last, an appointment which was beneficial!
I don't blame you. Hurray! Well done. I take trulicity too. It's probably about 12 months. I read that it is better if you take it out of the fridge for an hour or so. I always use my tummy as I find it easier.
I am glad you got some good support from the nurse. The one I see is lovely and helps me not be too hard on myself.
Swear away!!
Thank you Poopadoop. Hopefully trulicity will work and stabilise rising sugar levels caused by pred. Am using tummy (plenty of surface area there)! as I didn't want to go near arms or legs to trigger flare up.
I can relate. Avoid 2inches round belly button. I too have plenty of surface area. I think it helps curb appetite a bit too. I don't seem to have the weight gain that people in insulin generally have. O list about a stone over the year without really trying except for lower carbs ...but didn't feel like I was missing them. Winter been a bit harder as stuck in the house.
I hope your blood glucose starts to get a bit more controlled. You will feel better when it does.

Good, so pleased when you come away feeling you’ve got somewhere and not feeling like the village idiot.
Could was because you saw a nurse, and not a ..... But I won’t!

"I seem to have a bad case of Tourette's too at present."
All part and parcel of PMR too!!!
Do hope your practice have learned something - what eejits. I'd request an audience with the Practice Manager.
I agree... most of them, do not know their a**e from their elbow!
Good luck with Trulicity!
Thank you everyone for comments. This site is brilliant for information and encouragement in our pmr/gca journey. Not sure who first suggested it (Dorset Lady?) but the Give as you live site is worth signing up for. Selected companies donate percentage of your purchase price to your nominated charity - PMR/GCA have gained nearly £20 via my purchases in last 3 months. I can justify every purchase!
Ha ha for your understandable Tourette’s. I am glad you had a valuable appointment in the end.
Good result ....eventually!!!
How you doing on the trulicity tansy13?
Hi Poopadoop. Doing fine on Trulicity - epi pen ok I'm sleeping better and carb cravings reduced. Only had 4 injections - so far so good . Had one of those telephone calls we all loath - person who just doesn't get how incapacitated we are. Love my brother to bits but he just doesn't understand. Said why am I seeing rheumy, why haven't I done this/that/the other, he's forgotten about my pmr and then starts on my daughter's fibro and her limited abilities and why can't she do certain things (she's got it in 18 out of 18 pressure points).. Kept my calm (with steam coming out of my ears). Had a little treat of limoncello icecream for my patience! Next time I won't answer phone to help my cravings afterwards. Haha!
It's hard when they don't understand. My brother believes if I push myself I will be fine. I have fibro one hypothyroidism and PMR with all the attendant blood pressure etc. It's a real pain when they think they know better. You have to hit the ice-cream occasionally. I had a sneaky one when out with my neice for was worth it.
I usually take trulicity in sat or Sunday and know by sat I do get hungrier. Might be my imagination but I could eat all my meals by lunchtime 😂😂😂
All the best to you and your daughter.
Thank you poopadoop - you seem to have a mixture of my ailments and my daughter's. Double whammy. Take care.
Neither of your have it good but at least you can understand we each others limitations. 🌻