Carrot Cake and Wine: It may have been that huge... - PMRGCAuk


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Carrot Cake and Wine

48 Replies

It may have been that huge piece of scrumcious carrot cake; I haven't had sugar or wheat for that matter, in ages! It could have been the three (rather large) glasses of wine, with dinner, the night before? Hmmmm? When is the last time I had that much wine? Maybe it's the ongoing annoyance of dealing with ridiculously young, spotty faced, estate agents who cannot answer routine questions about the properties they're showing! Is it just stress associated with travelling, being away from home, being out of my routine.... or a combination of all of the above? In any case (and I hear a few "I told you so," in my future) I did not feel so great yesterday. That feeing of "normalcy," where you feel pretty okay and "like your old self," was off in the distance, just out of my grasp. I was sluggish all day and by late afternoon felt exhausted; my arms and legs weighted a thousand pounds. The couch and I melded into an unrecognisable mess of blankets, pillows and body parts by 4:30 and I was in bed by 9:30. That seemed to help, as this morning looks a lot brighter! Only two properties to see today and then it's me and the couch for the duration. Arielle and Max arrive tomorrow, so I need all my strength for them! Yes, I heard you... I did listen... but it's so easy to get caught up in that false sense of security, especially when you feel soooooo freakin good! You feel invincible, don't you? You get cocky and a little bit full of yourself! Ahhh well, one can only hope that this too shall pass and I'll be back on "Feelgood Freeway," in no time.

I wish you all a long, restful, excellent Easter weekend and hope you get to enjoy your family and friends. 🐣

48 Replies
Rimmy profile image

Ah well Melissa at least you HAD the wine and the carrot cake (one of my favourites) - though the real estate 'kids' don't sound as much 'fun' - so hope you get a bit of rest squeezed in before you are needed by the 'familia' - have the best Easter you can !



in reply to Rimmy

I did indeed! And if I don't get any worse than I was yesterday... it was worth every bite and sip! 🍰 🍷

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

I’m not going to say anything...I know🤦🏻‍♀️...but you know what I’m thinking.

Enjoy family ❤️

in reply to DorsetLady

I do indeed! 😬 ...and I can't even say you're wrong!

SheffieldJane profile image

It’s nice pretending to be a normal person sometimes. If rest restores you, then you’re doing ok. The thought of moving home is stressful in itself. You will remember what it’s all for when Arielle and Max get there and you’ll get that shot of energy that we save for emergencies. I love York. I wrote out a check list of priorities and must haves and would likes and ticked them for each property. The winner was clear ( mostly a feeling). Still happy 25 years on, my house loves you back.

Have a very happy Easter! Xxxx🐥🐇

in reply to SheffieldJane

If is fun pretending.... like playing dress up when you're a kid! 👸🏻

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

And carrots are a vegetable. Part of the 5 a day like grapes.

in reply to SheffieldJane

I like the way you think!

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to

So do I SheffieldJane, so do I 😉

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to SheffieldJane

Wine is also grapes. 🍷🍇

in reply to CT-5012

Yes.... of course it is! There I go, Bobs my Uncle!

tgca profile image
tgca in reply to

Maybe Kirsty and Phil's help is needed? Let them deal with the spotty estate agents .. haha

in reply to tgca

Hmmmmm? Who’s Kirsty? Who’s Phil? 🤔

tgca profile image
tgca in reply to

Oh, they are the tv personalities who find 'your perfect home'! Try google-ing the programme. Good luck

in reply to tgca

Ahhhhhh, got it! Sorry, stupid American.

tgca profile image
tgca in reply to

That's ok, I didn't realise you were a stupid American!!!!!

It's one of those programmes we are all tempted into watching!

stellafmdm profile image

You and me yesterday Melissa, but I didn't get any carrot cake or wine for that matter!! Have a happy and restful Easter!

in reply to stellafmdm

Bummer.... that's what made it all worth while! Today will be a better day! Xx

stellafmdm profile image
stellafmdm in reply to

Thanks and it is, but I'm being a lot more careful today!!!

in reply to stellafmdm

Me too!

Gaijin profile image

I recently had some "dulce de leche" (basically condensed milk) that one of my kids brought back as a souvenir from the Dominican Republic. I had given up lactose months ago. I got really sick.. I thought I was having a kidney stone colic (I've never had one but the endocrinologist, a couple of weeks ago, asked me twice, had I had a kidney stone). Same thing happened with wheat. The longer you stay off of something you are intolerant of, the worse it makes you feel when you have it again, in my experience.

I too was doing that elimination diet, so now I know Im intolerant to wheat or gluten and to dairy.

Being away from home and your culture is hard... at least you speak the same language! I find that when you've lived in different countries, you are never where you "want" to be.

Hope you find your dream house soon!

in reply to Gaijin

I agree... i should have realised, but wine with dinner (out in a nice restaurant, was a must!) and the cake was irresistible! Mix in a few other stress components and you have a bit if a disaster! Sign me, "


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Gaijin

I would be a sucker for “ dulce de Leche” all my favourite things together. To heck with the consequences.

A threatened flare and a reluctant increase in Pred has turned me into a sugar monster - nothing is safe. I disgust myself and it is Easter and they ( chocolate eggs) are on top of the kitchen cupboards - still. Help! 🐷🧟‍♀️

in reply to SheffieldJane

Ohhhhh no, chocolate eggs in the cupboard???? I’ll be right over!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to


Jean56 profile image

It’s just not fair, poor you. I couldn’t resist the cake or the wine. In fact as you are dealing with estate agents I would have thought they were a necessity. You are trying to do too much, but sometimes we haven’t the option and you try to carry on regardless. Life takes over.

in reply to Jean56

Yes! Exactly! Especially dealing with teenage, estate agents! Wine was the necessity and the cake just helped get me though.... 😳

Jean56 profile image
Jean56 in reply to

Yes, I find most so called ‘experts’ look about 12 years of age.

Insight329 profile image

Ohhhhh, you knew better. You just decided to throw caution to the wind and accept the conseqences. I’m not sure carrot cake would do it for me, but offer me a piece of Napolean Torte or German Chocolate Cake and I’m right there with you.

Best wishes to you, too, for a very happy Easter. Enjoy your family but remember to at least glance at your spoons every now and then.

in reply to Insight329

🤣 You are 💯% right, I did throw caution to the wind and let the fatigue fall where it may... it was worth it as today has been much better!!

Thank you and enjoy your weekend as well.... xx

Pongo13 profile image

I had two days of hips not being sore but yesterday left me wrung out! So we went for a meal and I ordered a gluten free pizza - they didn't do such a thing, so I had the four cheese anyway (calcium = balance?!) and today - I felt sore. But it was worth it! Savour the memory of those comforting foods! I hope you regain something like "normal" soon and enjoy your Easter. X

Ohhhh Pongo! I found out that Gluten free is not necessarily Wheat free! I was shocked! I have been staying away from Wheat... and Brighton people always push the Gluten free on me. I read that it is what causes a lot of the headaches, blotting, muscle and gastro issues, etc... because it's genetically modified it's not really "real" Wheat. Maybe that is why you felt yucky!

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to

Crikey! No! My choices are reducing - unlike my "steroid chops"! Prawn stir fry tonight and fruit - no carbs - should be better tomorrow I hope!

in reply to Pongo13

Oooo. I hope so! Fingers crossed! Google it!

in reply to Pongo13

Apart from the fruit of course.

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to

Ah I know, but a better carb than a potato! Pretty please!

in reply to Pongo13

Yes. My diabetes nurse was happy for me to eat my fruit as part of my five a day. I couldn't live without some fruit!!

Carrot cake, date and walnut cake and yorkshire parkin are my faves. Miss them..

Here's a recipe for stir fry. I used very low carb edemame and soya noodles to replace noodle. It was very nice and very filling. Delish

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to

I looked at the recipe, sounds fab. My daughter has lots of allergies and i usually buy rice noodles - where do you get your soya noodles? Can't believe I haven't seen or bought them!

in reply to Pongo13

Holland and Barrett. But I got some others at Sainsbury's I think. I usually use Tesco nesr me but not there so think Sainsbury's as only other place I went.

in reply to Pongo13

Sorry it was

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to

Thank you. Having a picture helps! (Im shopping for someone with dyslexia at the moment and her list needs massive unpicking!)

MakingDo profile image

Oh no, poor you! But maybe you can polish your halo in the knowledge that you are teaching us newbies the rights and wrongs of the journey. I hope you feel better soon 👼

jennifer15 profile image

Have a great Easter. Great to indulge sometimes.


ConventCassie profile image

I don’t think it was the red wine.

in reply to ConventCassie

😏 I'd like to think not, but it did help that's for sure!

tangocharlie profile image

For me some foods trigger flares, wine, sugar, flour, in particular. I'm trying an elimination diet called AIP where you eat basic and wholesome foods only for 30 days then try reintroducing things.

in reply to tangocharlie

Good job you! Yes I have done that too, as I have triggers... but this particular weekend I indulged... I actually over indulged! I am back on the wagon and slip only occasionally, just to prove I am actually LIVING & ENJOYING my life!!!!!

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