Well, I guess there's a first time for everything... but feel I like a right idiot!!!
It was 1:30 this afternoon, before I realised, I had forgotten to take my Prednisolone!
I wondered why I felt weird and sluggish, just off... it was like I was going in slow motion and couldn't get going.
Not sure what happened... as it's the same routine everyday; up before 7:00am, drink 8 oz of water, eat yogurt and blueberries, take my Pred, sit on couch, go to HealthUnlocked and see what's new.
There is no wavering from that routine... What the hell happened this morning, I have no idea! I can't even remember this morning!!!
All I know, is that by 2:00 this afternoon, I could not keep my eyes open and I literally passed out, across the bed, and slept until 4:00!
Definitely don't want to do that again! Not fun. I'm feeling okay now, but man was that weird!!!!!