My GP changed my 30mg Lansop to 15mg for 5 days, so that I can stop them, as I am having tummy aches and feeling yuk! With 12 years GCA, I don't know how long I've been on them. There was a brief spell of AA. Yesterday was the first day of no Lansop, and I felt awful. I felt faint and weird. It passed later in the day. Today, I have been in bed until this evening, when I sat, like now, with a HWBottle. My GP is in Italy, and no appt for 3 weeks. Last week, he mentioned Ranitidine and Gaviscon, in the same breath. As I am unwell and have Addison's Disease, I should be increasing the Pred from 7 to 14mg, but I haven't done so.Strangely, after looking at various forums and reading comments, I came across a post from 'our' PMRpro on the Lupus forum. I haven't any acid reflux, but constant tummy pain. I don't know what advice I'm really looking for, but another day of this and I will have to see somebody at the Surgery, esp with a long weekend ahead. I am not a breakfast person, and after Pred, I eat about a cup of natural yogurt and nothing else until lunch. The GP also said he thinks I have IBS. I am going to change bread to Spelt/gluten-free/sourdough, as that may be 1 of the triggers.
stopped lansoprazole and feeling grim............... - PMRGCAuk
stopped lansoprazole and feeling grim......................

Hmm, it could be that was too fast for stopping it especially after so long and with no other cover too. I had been on Ranitidine for only two weeks and it took another two weeks of tummy pain when I stopped it before it settled again with Gaviscon. So your stoppage seems quite severe. For what it’s worth, I got IBS symptoms with PPI’s and bloating with Ranitidine. Anyway, I hope your tummy misery sorts itself out.
What made you not increase your Pred?
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I thought my dr would've left me on a lower dose for longer.He mentioned Gaviscon, but my poor memory didn't grasp that that is what I should take after the shorter dosage ended.I didn't increase Pred, as I am so fuzzy-headed, at present, with the persistent aching, that I rather hoped I wouldn't need to. Feeble really, but no excuse.
Well, never mind, all this stuff messes about with the brain. How about going up to 14mg as the doc said to see if the tummy pain is also or just due to the Addison’s? Have you got some Gaviscon to start taking?
I took another 5mg Pred earlier. I have to go out this morning and do groceries. Will see if Tesco has Gaviscon. Thanks for advice.
If you go the Gaviscon route, it is worth getting Gaviscon Advance because it has more potassium and less sodium in it than the regular Gaviscon. I’ve only ever found it in pharmacies. The large 500ml bottle is so much more economical than the smaller bottles.
There were quite a few to choose from at Tesco. Took the 300ml bottle. I find that I am worst of all from morning until about 3pm. I then feel so well that I think everyday will be the same, but it's not.
Thanks for that. Will look for it when next in town. Thanks for advice.

Ranitidine does much the same as the lansoprazole so you could pick up some Zantac from the chemist to see if the acid production is causing it. If the ranitidine isn't quite enough you can add gaviscon. I'd have said you needed a lot longer than 5 days to taper off a PPI if you have been on it that long.
Can you get Ranitidine without a script? I also need to know if Warfarin is ok with other meds.Was just about to google it. With/without Lansop, I feel awful. If all else fails, maybe just go back on it, until I see GP again? Forgive my reasoning. I'm all over the place today.Thanks for your advice.
Ranitidine is sold OTC as Zantac - but you can probably get it as ranitidine from the chemist cheaper. You can also get some PPIs OTC as far as I know - although strangely I found that here in Italy I should need a script for ranitidine but not a PPI!!!!
Ask the pharmacist about interactions - what other meds do you need to know about for warfarin?
I didn't get to the chemist as out of the way for today. I bought Gaviscon at Tesco. I saw Zantac there as well. I seldom buy OTC meds, as they often interact with Warfarin. IF buying a med at the chemist, I ask the pharmacist. I can't even use clove oil for toothache, in the past. I bought sourdough bread too. I can't give that up yet. Thanks for info.Right now, I am not as ill as I have been. Miz day here...non-stop rain.I expect you are basking in the sun.
Hi karools16. I can help you with some of your questions and concerns. To ensure my information is still up to date (I retired a few years ago) I will check the latest information.
Because so many people are taking PPI's and there are so many problems associated with them I will post as a separate thread.
For you specifically, you asked about Warfarin. The British National Formulary (BNF) states that taking Lanzoprazole and Warfarin together increases the anti-coagulant effect of the Warfarin so if you alter the Lanzoprazole dose or stop altogether you may find this affects your INR so you may need to increase the Warfarin dose to achieve the same anti-coagulant effect. Steroids will also affect the Warfarin with high doses of steroid enhancing anti-coagulant effects, so depending on your steroid dose this may cancel out the effect of stopping the PPI. I have found no interaction between Ranitidine and Warfarin.
It might be worth getting your INR checked once you get settled with the stomach acid problems and treatment.
I'll be in touch soon.
Thanks for your reply.I had my INR done Monday, and it was spot on target. However, because a med, Lansop, has been stopped, it's a change in circumstances that warrants another INR next Tues.I went from 7mg Pred to 12 today. At present, I am feeling better than yesterday, and this morning. I bought Gaviscon and have taken 10ml.Thank you for your advice. Much appreciated.
I was asked if I cld help to your query as I've been on ranitidine and gaviscon, also ozemaprozole. I appears you have plenty of good advice above, which would adhere to. I don't have Addison's Disease (PMR/GCA longterm steroid used). Came off Omeprazole a year or so ago, and now occasinally take Gaviscon after a meal and/or Ranitidine at night only if my tummy says I need it. Sorry can't help anymore. Found that my body copes quite well with Ranitidine. I also don't really do breakfast, but i do take plain yogurt after my med in the morning and if I forget to take my yogurt (fuzzy brain) then my tummy tells me makes me feel nauseous. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for your reply and advice. Yes I also take plain yogurt after Pred am.I will stick with the Gaviscon at the moment.I am sure I should have come off Lansop years ago, but, not knowing any better myself, have just plodded on with it. Time for a medicine review methinks. Thanks for your good wishes.
Not sure whether you tried pro-biotic powders yet? Worked like a charm for me.
Also, stomach issues can often be helped with Chinese herbs. Again , they work for me, fast and noticable. Anything better then more pharma down the hatch, no?
Never heard of pro-biotic powders? I can't take herbs/homoeopathic when on Warfarin. Gaviscon has helped enormously. Thanks for reply.