I ended up at the doctor today after feeling stabbing pain in my hips and knees on Tuesday evening onwards. Wondering if it is a flare which rather a depressing thought. I have been on 2 pred tablets for quite awhile now and thinking of going down again soon. Raft of tests ordered to see if CRP has gone up etc. etc. Doctor has gone back through the records and picked a blood test from last June and wants me to reduce my Natural Thyroid meds. I think I reduced them myself in June so won't be doing that until the results indicate it is necessary. Have increased the pred to 4 a day and keeping fingers crossed but definitely not feeling the best. It feels a bit like the aches you get from Flu but I don't have any of the other flu symptoms and I haven't even been in a shop since last Thursday. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Paracetemol and Codeine have helped which I believe means it might not be PMR?
Feeling a lot of pain and somewhat "off" - PMRGCAuk
Feeling a lot of pain and somewhat "off"

What does 2 tablets and 4 tablets mean? 2x 1mg, 2x 5mg?
If paracetamol and codeine help, it suggests it could be something else. But without more details - doses, activities recently and so on it is difficult to say.
2 x 1mg Doubled up to 4 since yesterday. Activities much the same as usual. The new rescue dog has perhaps been a little stressful although only a little - until today when she escaped and set off up the lane. My fault as I think I was thrown by the Doc visit and didn't shut the gate before I let her out of the car. I thought I was right about the paracetemol and codeine. Pity. Have to wait for blood test results. And go easy on myself.
The new rescue dog has perhaps been a little stressful although only a little - until today when she escaped and set off up the lane
There maybe lies your answer…. And do you really have to wait for blood test results? If you have enough Pred, if it were me, I’d be upping it a bit more for a week, as per flare protocol.
You could try the proper flare protocol - add 5mg for a week, you can then drop back to the previous dose if it doesn't help. But you do need a significant extra amount or you end up swithering as to whether it is helping or not.
Hmm - did YOU have to fetch her back? So easy to wrench something,
I will go to 5 then thank you. Umm yes I did have to go after the dog I live quite isolated but I did go in the car after seeing her disappear rapidly! It only happened once with the previous rescue so fingers crossed that's it!
I see flare protocol mentioned a lot, tried to search but did not find the info. Can you point me in the right direction, please?
Here- and in the FAQs [under F and entitled Is it a Flare or is it Steroid Withdrawal]- 😊
Ok will do. Thank you as ever invaluable advice
Will do and thank you again. I was hoping to have a few days off next week with the caravan in Yorkshire but think I may have to put it off on the other hand it might be just what is needed.