Any theories on what this might have been? - PMRGCAuk


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Any theories on what this might have been?

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
31 Replies

On Friday afternoon at my office, I started feeling really chilly. About half an hour in, I was sitting there in my cashmere coat, fur vest, cashmere sweater and long johns (daily wear on these NYC winter days) absolutely shivering in a room that was 70 degrees farenheit (21 degrees celcius). This when on for another half hour or so, and then passed as suddenly as it came. Felt tired and woozy the rest of the afternoon, but completely recovered after a good long sleep that night.

Any thoughts?

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GOOD_GRIEF profile image
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31 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

I have had funny turns of late that are like that and I think it’s something to do with my Adrenal Glands beginning or straining to work. Thermostat does seem to have gone - both hot and cold. Are you at the right dose for that?Alternatively you maybe sickening for a winter bug, I am reducing to 6 mgs after 2 years PMR.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to SheffieldJane

As of Friday I was at 10mg for a week, after being at 20 from last February to last August most of the time. I think that's probably too high for adrenal action, no?

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

You dropped to 10mg from 20mg?

Or you’ve dropped from 20mg in August and reached 10mg a week prior to Friday? (Which would be a 1mg drop approx fortnightly?)

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Soraya_PMR

I see I was not clear. I've been reducing at .5 mg or 1 mg/week since September, and sat still for about 2 weeks while I had a cold and again for Christmas week.

Slowly, slowly we catch monkey.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Pesky little blighter, that monkey!

My experience: they say you can get fevers with PMR, but I can’t say I experienced flushes/heat/high temperature (until after pred!) but what I did experience pre-pred was bone chilling cold every afternoon around 3pm. Blankets, heat pads, cuddling up and snoozing for a couple of hours and it passed. It happened if I was out walking, or at home doing something, or at home lazing. It passed after starting 20mg pred. When I flared at 10mg back end of last year, I again experienced the afternoon chills. So maybe you’ve dropped too low? At the very least slow down/stick where you are and see if things resolve.

(I did check my temp a few times during my chills in case I was febrile with an elevated temp, but it was usually 35.5 at these times. Other times it was a more normal 36+)

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Soraya_PMR

Thanks, Soraya. You know, I don't even own a thermometer? I guess that's another thing to add to the briefcase...

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I didn’t have one either! I can see and feel a pyrexia in others, less easy to do on yourself.

I purchased a modern digital thing, blippety-blip! How things have moved on from shaking the mercury down ;)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Soraya_PMR

An ear one? Useless! Medical Physics in the NE of England tested them - takes not a lot to make the reading wrong...

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to PMRpro

No, a sub-lingual. Ear recordings are a step too far for me. GP did produce an ear thermometer last week, yes he actually got out of his chair to listen to my chest and take my temperature! Faint! However the thermometer wouldn’t work as it had ‘been in his car overnight and got too cold’!!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Soraya_PMR

Wouldn't have worked anyway...

A UK GP got up away from the computer screen???????

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to PMRpro

Yup, first time in 5+ years.

I was demanding AB’s, so he had to defend his castle!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Soraya_PMR

Who won?

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to PMRpro


piglette profile image
piglette in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Hi Soraya, I have never owned a thermometer, I just feel my forehead to see if it is hot or cold. If it is cold I assume I have not got a temperature!

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to piglette

If you have a high your hand not warmer as well?

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Soraya_PMR

I had not thought of that! Just feel my forehead.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to piglette

You need to borrow someone else’s hand ;)

Mrsd12f profile image
Mrsd12f in reply to SheffieldJane


SheffieldJane profile image

If you get more chills and odd wiped out feelings, I would mention it to your doctor. I got very cold with hypothyroidism.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Thanks, Jane. My Mom was underactive, so I have my thyroid checked with every set of bloods. Last set was within the last 3 weeks, and thyroid was normal.

Hindags profile image

As far as temperature sensitivity is concerned, I have found since getting PMR/ being on Pred in 12/2016, that I am very sensitive to changes in temperature. I keep the house at a very constant temp, 67F on colder days. I still prefer to sleep in a cooler room, but that goes back to menopause.

I never claim a room is cold (or warm) any more without checking the thermostat first. It is usually me.

I posted this before reading you clarification of your dosage. If you just hit 10mgs I'd bet it's Pred withdrawal but I think you can have some adrenal symptoms even at ten mg. It isn't usual, but I felt my first waves of what I called weak wobblies in the afternoon when I was at ten mg Pred.. I also had some low blood pressure episodes around 9.5. I still think those episodes were my adrenals trying to kick start and sputtering. Now I get what I describe as waves of weakness/fatigue and I ascribe them to my adrenals getting a bit stronger but still pooping out from time to time. Of course I ascribe all the inexplicable things going on with my body these days to adrenals or Pred withdrawal.

The sudden on/off of the symptoms sound very familiar. At my current level (7-6 taper) I can feel suddenly quite tired or sick, but then it lifts and I'm myself again. I can be quite irritable when it hits me if I don't realize what has hit me.

Try this on for a laugh. I just read through them it says nothing about suddenly feeling cold. LOL

in reply to Hindags

About the only thing he missed out!! Talk about covering all bases! lol

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Hindags

If you are a 50% bioavilability person you will only be getting 5mg equivalent at 10mg apparent dose - so yes, it could be adrenals.

PS - I got to 40 and was laughing so much I had to stop! What a load of mdooly!

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Hindags

Good Lord! If I wasn’t on pred (more than physiological) I might consider I have that!!! ;)

SusanEleven profile image

I’ve been at 4mg for a few months. I started at 10 two years ago. My temperature control feels out of control. I can go very quickly from feeling overheated and breaking out in a sweat to feeling like I’ll never get warm and having to pile on the layers. I’m guessing it’s my adrenals reluctantly returning to their job.

The oddest part is when I feel overheated and I start sweating I take my temperature out of curiosity. It’s always several degrees below my normal. It’s gone as low as 94.9 F. Which my online calculator says is 34.944 C. I thought my thermometer was defective so I bought another and it reads the same.

SnazzyD profile image

I can get that with withdrawal.

Rose54 profile image


I had two days like that last week

Had been to work all day on both days felt fine came home shivery tired and slept for most of evening and night waking up both mornings feeling fine .

Had a really fuzzy head as well .

Put it down to a virus as several other family members have had the same symptoms

venezia1 profile image

Hi - I have RA and GCA, reducing from 80mg years ago am now on 6.5. I get bouts of extreme cold also, and they usually seem to indicate the start of a flare, but as someone else has said, if I get a really good sleep it seems to avert it, and I just feel extra weak the next day. Hadn't thought of adrenals being involved, so thanks for that.

Mai45 profile image

Good_Grief, since I’ve developed PMR I’ve had a few bouts of sudden onset of chills and shivering. Seems to happen after travelling, when I’ve done more than usual or just worrying about something. I’ve put it down to overtiredness, or stress. Had you done anything out of the ordinary when this happened?

The daftest episode was when a friend and I managed to book a week in Spain, and I’d not had a holiday for years. Left chilly Newcastle early in the morning, flew, landed in lovely warm temperatures, sat in a comfortable coach till we were deposited at our hotel, and promptly got the shivers and had to pile layers on for a couple of hours, despite the temperature being the warmest I’d been in for years! This PMR has a warped sense of humour...

PMRpro profile image

Did you take your temperature? And no - I don't have a thermometer either!!!!!

Shivering is the body's reaction to developing a fever becausof an infection - it shivers to raise your temp.

My husband comes in and insists it is cold while I am roasting - both of us are "wrong" in that neither of us have a correctly functioning thermostat!!!!!

1Purplecrow profile image

This whole business is just a “three ring circus”🤪. My internal thermostat has a manic mind of its own!! One moment I’m cold!!! Next moment, I’m scrambling around for my sweat band!

Wacko temp regulation has me sleeping in socks and thermal underware half the nite, and about 2:30 am, waking to strip to skivvies🤣

Not a boring moment with this PMR😁

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