Hi everyone, am struggling at the moment , am tapering very slowly , on Wednesday I dropped from 12.5-12 mg and yesterday really struggled even getting down the stairs , aching, tired and really down , my query is this just the drop or could it be A flare starting, I thank you all in advance for what I know will be really useful advice x
Happy Sunday: Hi everyone, am struggling at the... - PMRGCAuk
Happy Sunday

i have never been able to drop overnight have to do .5 on dead slow method so may be worth giving this a go .
it could be a flare or withdrawal symptoms
expects will be long later to advise you

Think Rose54 has hit the nail on the head! Even 1/2mg can be too much at a go for some.
Something like this
means your body only meets the new dose for one day at a time to start with - the next day is back to normal. After meeting the new dose for 3 or 4 times it realises it isn't the end of the world and stps complaining!
I would stop reducing altogether for a bit, you may well be incubating a virus. I would even be tempted to increase a little to find out for sure whether it was PMR or something else. Poor you!
I am much more achey in this climate I must say. I was virtually pain free in Australia, now I’m creaking all over.
Since it’s just 4 days does it make sense to just stick with it a little longer to see if you adjust? I finished a week of tapering from 13 to 12 beginning with week 3 Of DL’s method. I did great for a week but woke up with pain in my knee and neck...very cold out yesterday and damp today with a little snow changing to rain. Since I probably over did it all week, I’m in pj’s all day reading and watching Netflix. Not so bad!
Hope we both feel better!

Hi Rosbud,,
Like others would say maybe 2.5mg too big a drop, better to try 1mg - if you haven’t got them then just ask.
Could be cold weather, some sensible doctors suggest you don’t reduce during the winter, your body is under more stress than on a nice warm summer’s day (even in UK!).
But talking of stress, would be more likely to think it’s that bearing in mind your recent troubles. You are probably in need of some TLC yourself.
If you don’t improve within a couple of days I would return to 15mg for a little longer, and then give it another go either using PMRpros DSNS taper or mine
Hi Rosbud,
My wife has been on 12.5 for quite a while, but Sunday morning she experienced what you have described, pain walking downstairs (normally the pain is mostly walking upstairs), she was aching, and tired and overall fatigued. She did not do anything different on Saturday to make her feel this way. She did not taper at all. It just happened. She is back to normal today.
sounds like me, struggling with the taper...had a good day yesterday though, today, more than a little off...going to add a 1/2 for tomorrows dose then back to 13...I think the old body is slowly getting accustomed to 13mg...I was in a hurry to get to 10...no more hurry..