Never rains but pours!! I have developed flu like symptoms with a horrible cough and slight pain in my temple at right hand side!! Now I know there are so many bugs going round that I probably have the flu - so why is my mind panicking again about gca 😩😩I hate how normal worries are being manifested in my mind and ruining my life as I just looked at symptoms of gca and all sound like how I feel - but if I didn’t have pmr I would just accept that I had flu as hundreds of others at this time of year 😏
Flu symptoms : Never rains but pours!! I have... - PMRGCAuk
Flu symptoms
Which puts you one ahead of someone who develops GCA without a history. Don't panic, just be watchful and if the one-sided headache gets worse, seek help.
It's normal to worry a bit. I was singing carols with the kids in the family and my jaw was sooo painful by the end my first thought was oh no GCA! Then I thought again and calmed a bit. It's still sore today but after 3 days of singing and shouting with 10 people when I normally spend time alone is bound to make muscles hurt. I had a bad flu bout 6 weeks ago and sinuses filled up on right hand side as well as chest infection. Fortuntealy these things calmed down too. I just try not to stress too much but just keep it in mind.
You’re not alone Janie. I’ve got a long haul flight to Australia tomorrow and I have a headache and eyestrain. So you can guess the scenario running around my head trapped on a plane. Let’s just breathe shall we. I doubt the hyper vigilant get caught out.
It’s horrible dealing with all the worry on top of everything else but as you say at least we are aware - enjoy Australia 🇦🇺 I have family over there just now for 3 weeks they flew out Xmas eve x
Safe journey....dont squeeze too hard when you get there. You need them for full hols 😂
Bless you gang! X
So sorry you feel so awful. Sending big healing vibes.
Hi JanieBaxter - I was 'there' about four weeks ago ! Flu symptoms, exhausted, sinuses blocked, which was probably the reason for the headache and PAIN IN THE TEMPLE [panic you say what could it possibly be but GCA ! ]
Its a fine balancing act staying aware without becoming paranoid about every new ache or stiffness. I am so relieved to have had my pred dose revised upwards in the summer - and now tapering at 1mg or less a month and pacing myself so feeling OK, but the idea of descending into the pit of a PMR flare [for the fourth time over 5 years] does set the alarm bells ringing when in reality its just some bug doing the rounds.
Thank for posting this it made a lot of sense !
It’s a nightmare trying not to panic about symptoms that before pmr wouldn’t have raised alarm bells 😩glad you are doing well - I’m only 6 weeks in 🙈x
Ahh I do wish you well. Stick with this amazing forum - it took me three years in the wilderness before I found it, and when it comes to tapering the pred take the advice to go at SNAILS PACE, I had to learn the hard way.