Parkers Vacation: Parker was planning his... - PMRGCAuk


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Parkers Vacation

Estellemac profile image
42 Replies

Parker was planning his redundancy for March. As my hip grew stronger and the PMR is taking a back seat for the time being, I thought I would let him have a short two week break alone in our house whilst I cleared off to the south off France in Thunderbird 2 with respite Parker (more commonly known as Denise my sister).

My son had followed my instructions some years ago to marry for money. His wife's is French and the family have an apartment near Marseilles. They gave us unlimited access to stay as long as we liked. We just had to make our own way there.

Parker had recently completed another module in his qualification.

How to Deal with the DWP.

The framework criteria he had to meet was:

1: Collect sick note from the Doctors without getting involved with the Spanish Inquisition on content and dates agreed by the named sicky.

2. Photocopy the sick note as evidence of collection and for when DWP deny any knowledge of it.

3. Hand in sick note at the job centre to DWP without any police intervention.

As most if the staff are just learning the new Universal Credit system it is quite a complicated process trying to get ESA contribution based benefits. It took me 4 tries and 8 staff to log the initial claim.

As Parker approached one of the security guards to complete his mission they would not let him see any DWP staff as he had no appointment. After a somewhat heated discussion ensued a member of staff came across to talk to him.

He handed over the paperwork in an envelope with the Job Coaches name department and contents on. Unfortunately they didn't want to take any responsibility for the envelope as it was more than their job was worth if it went missing.

Parker is not a patient person when dealing with people who are not too sure why they got out of bed that morning to attend the place that pays the mortgage/rent and feeds the family. This is why part of his module clearly stated "no police intervention". After a loud discussion that was neither productive or of any value to those involved he asked for an envelope addressed to the person who could actually use this information and ensure the claim was not stopped or any sanctions put in place due to non compliance of the ESA agreement. Parker the left and found the nearest post box to stuff it in taking photos of each stage in the process.

On his return home he was in a bit of a state so my idea to go away for a while was readily accepted as he retired to the pigeon loft muttering profanities about jobsworths and their employers.

Off I went on my jaunt without even leaving him a To Do List!!!

I have sent him pictures each day of the Scenery, Fromage, Du Pain avec Vin but he doesn't seem to think he got the best part of the deal for some reason? I mean he still has his other job to go to to pay for my travels doesn't he? Where would the money come from otherwise? He wasted his holidays looking after me when I had appointments to go to then doing everything for me when I came out of hospital after the operation. He only gets 4 weeks a year and they were soon used up. He can be so needy sometimes.

Well I will be home soon and how we will laugh at the jobs he hasn't done and the photos I've taken. Then everything will be back to normal if hasn't won the lottery and cleared off with his pigeons.

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Estellemac profile image
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42 Replies
PMRpro profile image

You know - you should be compiling a book too - not just leaving it to MB ;-)

And if you ever need some help getting to Marseilles I'll help...

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro


Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to markbenjamin57

Let’s get a bus trip up??

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

You can do the next trip with me. I am effluent in Française now.

Let me know when the book comes out 😉😀

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

Might need some stories off you all??

SheffieldJane profile image

Well that has cheered today up! 😃

markbenjamin57 profile image

Priceless, Estellemac! I can just picture it all :-D

Virgil ;-) :-D

markbenjamin57 profile image

Who Pete? - Estellemac or yours truly..? ;-)

Great it is so good to have some comments on this Site which make you laugh and I sure did reading this Estellemac. Thank you. 😂 Oh and it's still snowing!

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

It’s raining in Carquieranne we might have to nip to Spain now.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

Aren't they in some sort of dispute there?

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

True we’re actually off to Bordeaux tomorrow

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

I liked that area - really really need to drag OH and the campervan over there next summer. I NEED dose of France...

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

Place we are at is so quaint and quiet getting here was fun too. Must plan the next trip with extra days and warmer weather. Chartres and St Victor sir Loire was glorious. I will post a few stories on the interesting ways we found to amuse ourselves.

in reply to Estellemac

Oh too much information maybe!!! Look forward to them D

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

Chartres is glorious! I first went there over 40 years ago. I was going to say it was briliant then - but according to the website Malcolm Miller is still at the Cathedral doing the "Tour in English" - he has been there since 1958 and is now 83 according to Wiki plus another link!

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

Hotel we stayed at is next to the cathedral in the pedestrian precinct it must have been part of it at one time. It was only 70e a night.

Oh how I love these stories. 😂😂😂

I myself made 7...yes 7 copies of my bank statements sick notes etc etc. I posted 3 and hand delivered 4. Only the final one was the one that drove the dwp into ok-ing my claim for Esa having previously been in incapacity benefit. I actually did start to question my memory and sanity.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Isn't that the idea? So glad I'm old and get a pension...

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

3 years for me yet

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

I did have to wait - and even longer for my Italian one. Which is the important one. It will be about 10 euros a quarter but it will include healthcare. Whatever Brexit ends up doing...

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

Imagine those people less pedantic and resilient as us?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

That's the idea - survival of the fittest...

in reply to PMRpro


Having done the PIP last year I have universal credit to come. I always wonder why they think I would live on such low "wages" when I was earning 5 times that before my body broke down. I have worked since I was 12 and I worked in public service for almost 30plus years of my working life. I am made to feel less than human by the claims process, not necessarily the people.

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

Got to say the people are struggling to cope with the system they were really helpful once the got their heads round it. Pip is easier now they sacked ATOS

in reply to Estellemac

Thank goodness. Again people seemed okay but...grrr

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

Surely anything is easier without ATOS?

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

Definitely was for me 🙏

CT-5012 profile image

As above both one and two. Wonderful stuff keep it up , best laugh in ages. Especially after the last few days but more on that after I've had a rant at rheumy 's answer phone tomorrow. All good wishes. 😂

Mai45 profile image

Dear Lady Penelope,

I am glad you are enjoying France. I have missed The Adventures of Parker, and seem to recall that after the last chapter I enquired if he was for hire?

Having read his latest heroic exploit, may I ask if there is any change in your previously negative reply?

Yours in hope, etc etc

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Mai45

We can review this in March when his placement comes to an end and he resumes some form of “normal” existence?

Mai45 profile image
Mai45 in reply to Estellemac

Dear Lady Penelope,

Whilst I appreciate your kind response, I doubt if we would be able to reach any form of agreement.

To clarify, if Parker reverted to 'normal' I don't think he'd suit me at all...

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Mai45

He has never really been the sociably accepted standard of “Normal”. I have always been there at such times like when he pretended be deaf on holiday so people wouldn’t speak to him. Then there was the time when he went out to get something from the car at wedding we were invited to and went home. They were boring he said would you rather I told them that? Now the family don’t ask if Alan is alright or where is he it’s more so does he need a drink or something to eat. They even know not to engage in conversation as it’s futile. Unless of course it’s about Pigeons then you have to know your stuff.

Mai45 profile image
Mai45 in reply to Estellemac

Wonderful! He and my late husband would be kindred spirits x

ps; I don't mean the pigeons but the gloriously embarrassing anti-social behaviour. You have my empathy and fellow feeling...

Lizwillis profile image

Loved it! Like others on here have missd hearing about Parker and his exploits. Glad Lady Penelope is having a wonderful time in France. Please, yes, more tales about you both. Very cheering.

tgca profile image

Oh no, I haven't met Parker & Co before... keep writing for heavens sake... lack of humour and France round at mine ! Visited Chartres as a 13 year old with my best mate where we unfortunately got serious teenage giggles in the cathedral and had to leave. Hey ho, youth... can just about remembering it.

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to tgca

Click on Estellemac's name and you'll get all her old posts!

S4ndy profile image

I have been wondering how you and your Parker have been getting on. Claiming ESA and PIP was the most stressful and psychologically damaging thing I have ever done. It took from March 16 to January 17 to get it all sorted. In that time my anxiety drugs were doubled! Even my GP was saying "did I really need to do this as it was making me ill". Not as ill as not eating would I replied! I have been a lot better since I received the ESA/PIP awards but its always in the back of your mind that you will have to go through it all again at a time of the DWP's choosing! I am 9 Yeats off retiring since they moved the goalposts.

My Parker retires on Friday and by contrast dealing with the Pension service has been a bit less of a trial.

Compassionate Cruelty is how we describe dealing with the DWP. I even had to have a security guard " escort" me to the (locked) disabled loo as "they weren't a public convenience luv". I had been summoned to an appointment, kept waiting and then told sorry we have to cancel. Where was I supposed to go! I could tell you more but that would risk note stress.

Mini rant over. Letting it all go.

Hope you are getting on well with the new hip. Curious did you try the CBD?

Love your writing, always makes me smile :D

Estellemac profile image

I tried the CBD oil for 8 weeks from Cbdbrothers. Bought 4 bottles 35% strength but didn't see any significant difference. I decided it was to expensive to pursue any longer as I am not working now. My new hip is taking twice as long to heal due to the PMR and now osteoporosis. Bit depressing but getting stronger each day which is why I thought a holiday would boost my spirits now I have benefits sorted. How long thought till they drag me in for interrogation as to why I haven't looked for work on universal job match though? I am going to fat busters, the gym and swimming to keep busy and I can drive now. So I am out of me chair and moving forward. I am staying positive writing daft stuff about me and Parker. The next daft instalment will be The French Connection. Stay tuned.

Jackoh profile image

Have missed your Parker stories Estellemac - always make me smile!!! Keep going. Best wishes Jackie xx

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