I'm showing a lot of prednisone face today and the swelling under my chin is the worst of it. My eyes are also puffed under and slits for openings. Ate in restaurant yesterday and food was salty and possibly that is an issue for all the new swelling. I'm looking and feeling bad and that's so depressing . Going to eat healthy tomorrow.
Under chin swelling . : I'm showing a lot of... - PMRGCAuk
Under chin swelling .

Hello, I can't say whether your swelling is due to salt, but if it over do it with salt and that really isn't much, I can tell. I get puffier eyes, fuller face and a wobbly layer around my torso that I notice jiggling when going down stairs. It takes about two days of no salt to get rid of it.
Interesting......I seem to have permanent slits for eyes and a chin that goes down to almost waist level.....if I can only remember where that was once! I do tend to crave salt on my food.......I will experiment and see if it makes a difference. Thanks.
Unless you have some other medical reason not to limit salt, it really is worth a try. Pred causes sodium salt retention and potassium loss. Cravings are interesting because we don't always crave things we need and sometimes it is difficult to know which it is, a deficiency or overload.
It makes for a dull life at times but I don't eat anything salted like snacks or food with added salt and no processed foods. If I have any meat with a sauce for example, I'll take out the meat and only eat the sauce clinging to it and then that's only about x3 a week. Websites for kidney or heart disease support give good lists of content of sodium and potassium in foods.
I can tell if my extra blubber is fat because it doesn't magically disappear over days. If you do have fluid retention to the extent you describe, I don't know if it'll take a bit longer than a couple of days, so I wouldn't give up if you don't get big results quickly.
Exactly the same for me - one meal out and i'm likely to have swollen ankles for a day or two. On holiday I can put on a couple of pounds - and it really is only from eating restaurant food where they cooked with salt. Occasionally we find a restaurant where they use less salt and the food I like is even less salty anyway. Happy to go back to them!
I need to know how to lose the prednisone fat? Specifics are necessary. I've heard it's very difficult but need to know what and how to approach this. As well as how to get rid of the moon face. Specifically what works. It's horrible depressing to have 25 extra pounds on and facial swelling. I must solve this issue. I have PMR/GCA diagnosed by artery biopsy. On 15 mg pred. down from 20 mg over time. I have enormous pain. Other health issues.
. I'm hesitating to try the GCA new drug. I see it is already in a class action suit in USA I have struggled with this condition for 6-7 years.
I had 2 back surgeries in April and now have a fx of T 12.I also have IBS with constipation , a treated uti ( still having urinary incontinence since hospitalized last year for IV prednisone over 3 days.)
My vision was blurry then as it is starting to be now. Will call the retina ophthalmologist Monday.
Please help with this weight thing. Thank you
There is much on this forum about weight loss. It seems that almost everyone, me included, has to cut down on carbs drastically. Pred doesn't make one fat, it is our response to physical triggers it gives our bodies, including the munchies. The only way to lose weight is to regulate what goes in. In a week I'll probably have two baby potatoes, one slice of bread and one spoon of rice or pasta. The rest is protein, fruit and veg. PMRPro has said she avoids fruit too. My veg is mostly cooked because half a tonne of salad upset my digestive system. As said before I limit salt and I don't worry about fats but I try not to go too heavy on animal fats. I can eat loads which satisfies the munchies. When I want something sweet I have a square of dark choc or some berries and sugar free coconut yoghurt. If I try a spoonful of my family's desert now, it tastes horribly sweet.
When one is on the Pred sugar highs and lows rollercoaster it is hard to imagine having so little 'satisfying' food, but one's body soon appreciates it. I have not put on any weight at all BUT my face is full moon with panda eyes. I suspect that is not going to be affected by dieting and will only go when the Pred does. This is because what fat one does have (and we need some!) likes to go on a Pred holiday to the midriff and face. Of course losing excess weight will help but it probably won't cure the face, but working on the rest will help you feel better.
Not a lot to add to Snazzy's post about diet.
If you were diagnosed with GCA by biopsy - I hope you have been at a higher dose than 20mg? If not and you have a lot of GCA pain - you need to find a doctor who knows what they are doing. 20mg isn't enough to manage even PMR in some patients and is far too low to successfully manage GCA without leaving your sight at risk.
The class action is more because patients weren't warned of an increased risk of cardiac problems - now that is out in the open. It was being implied it was safer than other drugs in RA instead of similar with regard to adverse events.
In my book I wouldn't be enthusiastic at having it prescribed for simple and early PMR - but would certainly consider it for GCA.
Thank you all. I'll contact the retinal ophthalmologist to see what dosages his patients are on of prednisone for GCA. Food: what do you eat? Meat, fish, legumes, etc. what does lunch look like?
Lunch? A very large bowl of salad leaves and cucumber. tomatoes etc with an olive oil and vinegar dressing. Or an egg, cheese. Today it will be mozzarella, tomato and basil salad.
A very large bowl of any cooked veg and salad I can find in the fridge plus some meat, nuts or fish with a dressing made from olive oil, herby bits and a bit of balsamic or cider vinegar. Breakfast was a large handful of cashew and walnuts and half an unripe banana. Yesterday it was an egg plus a small slice of gluten free bread. Almonds for a snack. Dinner was stewed beef and a tiny amount of gravy and a mountain of veg. I pinched two chips/fries from my daughter instead of my usual two baby potatoes. Desert was some cherries and a square of dark choc.
Hello Aleish
Many years ago I became allergic to artificial food colouring. Tartrazine mainly although it is supposed to have been removed from food these days.
My eyes used to swell up and my chin was affected. At that time it was in many foods. The only answer for me was antihistamine and it gradually disappeared after a week or so. I did feel under par until my body got rid of it.
Not knowing what foods you ate, is it possible you had highly coloured or spicy food.
In any case eating healthily and drinking water can only help.
I do hope you feel better soon.
I have found that salt does definitely cause this...I had bacon for lunch the other day and by the evening I was so puffy and uncomfortable! Keep drinking lots of water and it will go, I was ok the next morning. I had the same a few months ago after eating a takeaway Chinese but much much worse...won't be doing that again!!
I was on 60 mgs and then 55 and today is day one of 50 and hopeful that vascular symptoms will not be happening. For me it's the claudication issue that seems to want to return. My sed rates went down very fast from 65 to 17 in weeks and so if I stay out of the jaw pain I will be elated.