I was diagnosed with PMR in Dec of 2016. I started on 20 mgs of prednisone and have been tritating down monthly. I had some other health problems too at the same time including a new diagnosis of Raynauds Syndrome and a chronic case of anemia. I was very fatigued and I felt that the anemia was not the main reason for my fatigue. I understand that PMR can cause the fatigue, but the anemia would not clear up. My PCP sent me to a hematologist who is also an oncologist, and he did some in-depth testing to see why I was chronically anemic. Come to find out I had Marginal Zone, B cell lymphoma - stage 2b. I had a bone marrow biopsy and a bone biopsy done to confirm this. My marrow was not producing red blood cells well and my spleen was hoarding some of these RBC's causing my spleen to be twice the size it should have been. I also had a tumor in my spleen and some lymphatic cancer cells in other parts of my abdomen. I had a cat scan done with contrast and it showed my lungs and liver had some cells.
I started on infusions with a drug called Ritux. I had 4 infusions - once every week for a month. It was not chemo per say, but rather a drug that helps your immune system help itself. It was supposed to kill the tumor in my spleen and the other cancer cells elsewhere.
Today I found out that I am in remission from the lymphoma. And I also saw the rheumatologist and my blood work showed my ESR was at 5 and my CRP was <5! I feel like my normal self. As discussed here before, the PMR happened to be a differential diagnosis for me and the lymphoma was causing my immune system to go crazy with auto-immune conditions. My body reacted with a CRP of 82 in December of last year. It wasn't until I finished the Ritux, that my levels decreased measurably.
Not everyone has as many complications as I did, but I am glad I pursued the chronic anemia and didn't settle with that diagnosis. So from start of my PMR diagnosis to now - 8 months, it has been a medical journey. So far I have a good outcome, but I have to be tested every few weeks to make sure I am holding steady with my numbers. I am going to finish out my prednisone protocol until January as recommended by my rheumatoid doctor. I agree with him even though I would love to go off the prednisone today!
I will keep you all posted.