I was given a tentative diagnosis of PMR by my GP in March this year after several months of GP visits and blood tests to try and discover the cause of my headaches, (which I had never suffered from before). The headaches then morphed into aching shoulders, neck, lower back, hips, etc. Eventually one of the GP's in the practice noticed a raised CRP level and a further blood test confirmed it was still rising. He referred me to a 'rheumy', (as I believe you all call them), at my local hospital and she confirmed the diagnosis in April. She prescribed the usual cocktail and started me on 15mg Prednisilone. I experienced the 'magic' within a few hours of taking the first dose and was able to bend down without pain, happy days!!
I was on 15mg for 4 weeks and then saw the specialist again who agreed I could reduce to 12.5mg and then to 10mg over the next few weeks. After that she advised to reduce by 1mg every 2-4weeks. I am now down to 8mg and still relatively pain free. I am not suffering any tummy side effects but do suffer from a 'muzzy' head most of the time with occasional double vision caused by my left eye. I had a few minutes of it this morning after taking my weekly AA tablet?? Don't know if the two are related? The vision problem is further complicated by the fact I was diagnosed with a macula pucker in my left eye earlier this year and my left eye vision is a lot poorer that my right eye, which is fine. So not sure about the double vision, could it be GCA or is it a side effect from all the tablets? I don't have any headaches but my left temporal artery is slightly raised, I guess I'll have to go and see the doc again!!
Any thoughts or advice will be gratefully received.