I was diagnosed with PMR about six weeks ago and was prescribed 15mg Pred which worked wonderfully - like magic! After three weeks, advised by Dr to reduce to twelve and a half but that was too big a drop. Following the advice from the lovely people on here, I asked for and was prescribed some 1mg Pred, so I could decide myself what was needed. Thirteen and a half mg has worked fine for the last week or so but two days ago I had the return of the pains in my shoulders and neck, resulting in a really bad headache. I've gone up to 14mg but that doesn't seem to have helped. My question is, do people sometimes have to get back to their original dose, even after six weeks of starting treatment.
I'm due to go on a 7day cruise tomorrow - the first cruise on my own since my husband died last year - and am already both excited and very nervous - so I need to know I'm on the right track with my medication before I go.
Once again, thank you for all the help and information which this forum gives.