I started on mycophenalate several weeks ago and am at a dose of 1gm twice a day and currently on 16mg of prednisolone. I developed acid reflux a couple of weeks ago so now take omeprazole 20mg a day. For the last week / ten days I have had a sore throat which I part put down to the acid reflux. However it is not getting any better and I read that a side affect of mycophenalate is a sore throat and you should tell your doctor. I also seem to have a bit of a cold so wonder if it's just that which is making my throat sore? So do I go see the doc again?
Still feeling absolutely down with this condition and the affect of drugs I'm on. I have noticed that as I have come down from 20 mg of pred to 17.5 then 16 over 4 weeks I can feel pain back in my hips and shoulders, nothing as bad as when I first had it but a definite increase. I just feel like I want to stop all the drugs and take my chances but can too clearly remember what excruciating pain I was in. I have been on half days at work for about 6 weeks, supported by our occupational health doctor, but don't really feel any benefit. Got a serious case of CBA's (can't be assed) and get very fatigued when I do anything physical which is extremely frustrating. My head keeps telling me to give up work but at 58 I am too young. The pred brain doesn't help as some days I just can't think or concentrate.
Any way rant over and thanks for listening.