Hi everyone,
I don't post very often but am an avid daily reader of the forum which is a lifeline to people like us. Also it has made me realise how lucky I am compared to many others. A brief recap on myself. Diagnosed pmr and gca sept 2014 after having pain gradually getting worse and on looking back for quite some time, It came to a head last sept when the sight in my right eye gradually faded and then just as gradually came back - 20 minutes from start to finish, also had jaw pain. Lucky my brilliant GP was on the ball and put me on 60mg pred immediately, saw rhuemy 3 days later (w/end in the middle) biopsy neg as expected. In a nutshell on 60mg pred for 4 weeks (crp & esr good by then) reduced every 2 weeks until at 10mg then stayed at that for 4 months, then reduced by 1 mg every 4 weeks until at 5mg which I've been on for 2 months. The 60mg preds were absolutely brilliant as they took away all my pain within a couple of days, for the first time in ages I could get in and out of the car no trouble, also in and out of the bath once more, and turn over in bed - no pain! BUT as you all know the side effects were horrendous. Lucky I'm a retired farmers wife (66) with a really supportive husband and family that I was able to give in to it and just do what I could and when. Now, 12 months later I have been so lucky in my reduction of preds but have just started having odd little niggles in my shoulders and hips, nothing too much, and am much better in myself.
Saw rhuemy yesterday and apparently my esr and crp have been slowly creeping up each month for last few months. He wants me to have a scan of my aorta to check if any giant cells and depending on the result will either reduce preds or put me on methotrexate. I am wondering what are the pros and cons of being on either prednisolone or methotrexate, any advice please from you good people who know more than me?
Sorry my post is so long, thank you all and good luck and best wishes to all.