Dear GCA and PMR friends,
I have been astounded the last few days as I have surfed the web to better understand my disease and wrap my brain around it. The lack of information and/or misleading information is startling.
The American College of Rhuematolog defines PMR as "widespread aching and stiffness ... especially in the morning". That certainly was my experience of my early symptoms - I was thinking I was getting old and out of shape. Don't we all experience some stiffness in the morning when our body gets moving?
Yet my symptoms quickly escalated to severe stiffness and pain, inability to get out of bed without some help moving my legs and practically crawling to the bathroom in near tears. I was unable to perform, and still am, even on prednisone, basic household tasks. After reading many of your posts and looking at some websites, it is no wonder why some rheumatologist (and GP) minimize our complaints and think we are whining. They aren't getting the total picture.
The ACR website refers to PMR as an inflammatory disease. It is not obvious to the web surfer that PMR is an autoimmune and vascular disease, both which should be treated along with the inflammation. Another quote "once the stiffness goes away, you (the patient) can resume all normal activities, including exercise." Well I tried that and unfortunately ended up with sore muscle pain and chronic fatigue for 3 days. Which meant 3 down days. I now know my muscles have been deprived much needed nutrients, just like any other cardio/vascular patient and the muscles are intolerant of less than gentle exercise.
The ACR site also implies that once your taking steroids, you are pretty much symptom free and back to normal. I'd like to hear some of your experiences in regards to how symptom free you are feeling when on a steady dose. I find that I get about 75 percent relief and the symptoms of both PMR and GCA start flaring in the afternoon. I than take my smaller dose after lunch which helps. I take 40 mg in the am and 20 mg in the afternoon. (In fairness to the ACR website, it does mention the return of symptoms when tapering.)
Other misleading medical websites did includes comments such as, "it is very rare to have PMR when your ESR is not elevated," "PMR usually lasts a year, 2 at the most," "GCA does not reoccur."
Once again a heart felt thanks for this community, the administrators and resident posting experts. You are providing a much needed bridge to bring patients together to help us all heal without feeling like we are totally lost in this disease which needs much research and education. (I can only imagine what our family members read...just enough to help them not be afraid for their loved ones. My sister was totally shocked when I told her it was a vascular and autoimmune disease.)
Knowing the misinformation that is out there in the web, I encourage everyone to not be afraid to advocate for yourself, don't minimize your symptoms and print out the valuable links provided by the community members to send or bring along with your visits. Other than my GP, who later apologized after the rheumatologist and surgeon findings, I've been lucky to have the support of Stanford Medicine Has published some recent papers on PMR. I've not read them as they charge a fee.
Finally, my heart goes to those who are still suffering as Kate Gilbert mentions towards the end of her book I can't imagine their suffering when inexpensive steroids could ease their pain.
Sorry for the long post. When I worked, it's been over six months now, I worked in the Medical Device and Pharma industry specifically as a Regulatory and Quality Consultant . Special reports and executive summaries are in my sweet spot.
Thanks for reading! I hope you are having an "up" day!