I hope you are able to view this - only link I can find:
Merry Christmas: I hope you are able to view this... - PMRGCAuk
Merry Christmas

I can't open the link fully but do tell me what bhangra is or I won't sleep tonight. And a Merry Christmas to you, too!

Is that what you are doing at present? Don't come complaining you are stiff tomorrow
I don't need to try bhangra to get stiff. I cooked an early Christmas dinner for seven of us yesterday, and in spite of starting preparations the day before by the time the day was over my legs hurt so badly I could barely stand. I was silently whimpering! But a night's sleep and I'm back to the usual intermittent pain which is tolerable. Have discovered that it is exactly the pain I get when I try to sleep on my side, so it really must be related to my poor spine. Not the bones, the discs, I guess. Oh well, could be worse. And no doubt as the years go by it will be.
Loved the video! Merry Christmas to you too! My PT advised to sleep with a pillow between my knees when I sleep on my side, it helps align the spine.
Oh I am sorry to hear about the pain due to your discs, it's not fair.
I've been meaning to write and say thank you for the Bhangra post; it brought a smile to my face, and it even made the UK papers! Good for them Hope you have a good 2017.
Well I think I've discovered I need one of those adjustable beds. When my husband and I came down, roughly 36 hours apart, with gastroenteritis, I migrated to my comfy chair in the living room, the one I used so often in my insomniac nights, and haven't felt so well for ages. Quite reluctant to return to attempting to sleep horizontally again. Not sure what to do.
The Bhangra group was deliberately setting out to destroy preconceived notions about Sikhs. And I agree they are so much fun to watch. They plan to keep bursting into joyous dance in all sorts of landmark places. Think they may be in the CN Tower in Toronto in their latest video!
Here they are on Parliament Hill teaching some of our MPs how to dance! Seeing things like this gives me hope.
So sorry it's taken me so long to reply, the me/cfs is winning the battle at the moment, however I still aim to win the war!
You poor things, that will have really knocked you both for six, but I hope you're both feeling much better now.
That's so interesting that you should sleep better sitting upright. One would have thought that that would have put more pressure on the discs, as well as your coccyx, but if it continues to help with the pain, I think I'd be reluctant to leave the chair!
Thank you for the link, which I again, thoroughly enjoyed. I had a look at their facebook page, and you're so right, this can do nothing but give you hope. May it continue.