to DL & PMRPro, who have patience beyond my understanding, a very Merry Christmas & many thanks indeed! To all…a pain free as possible, & fun Christmas, eat (forget the carbs) drink (whoops) & be merry! Hugs for all the lonely at this time, those missing a loved one who should be by their side, & those suffering, S x PS a photo of our little Christmas village…it all lights up at night. As I’m married to Santa Claus (now retired) many of these were gifts from friends & family!
Merry Christmas, & thanks!: to DL & PMRPro, who... - PMRGCAuk
Merry Christmas, & thanks!

Merry Christmas to you. I love your hot. X

TY - and have a lovely Christmas..🌸
and a very happy Christmas to you and yours Pixix from me and all my family out here in a hot Oz (today).
Wishing our fellow members on this site good health for 2025.
Love your village!My cats would have a field day on that table.Merry Xmas to you and🎁🎄🤶😜
Thanks…the individual trees with stars at top light up, but if my tremor starts when I lift one, it’s like dominoes on the top as they all knock each other down!! Oh, & strictly no cats in here…next doors dog is often here, though…& would chase the cats!! Hope you’re doing OK, Happy Boxing Day (now) to you, hope yesterday was great! S x
Shouldn’t laugh but can visualise it!OH is like that when he eats his dinner bless him!Quiet day,couldn’t stomach much,OH wanted bacon roll poly for his dinner,I just ate a plate of veg,but got to confess I did have Xmas pud and cream!Hope your day was good as well?Will be glad to get all decs down niw( bah humbug!) do it for my darling great grandson really.Cant wait to see🎁🎄🦃🤶😜😜😜😜😜😜
Oh, do laugh!! Sometimes I forget & carry plates with wrong hand…first thing you hear is them start to rattle together, first thing you see is David rushing to take them from me! Did the most stupid thing this year…a new carpet in the lounge, ha ha! Then, because we haven’t finished the kitchen renovations we eat our meals in there atm!! Glad you managed Christmas pud & cream, time for you to eat just what you fancy!! Bah humbug…how can you! Ours will not be down until 12th night!! Have a lovely time with your great grandson, S xx
Dust collectors!Had them up early but with many hospital appts.looming will get them down in a few days!Decorater coming in shortly to do my bedroom and kitchen so woukd like the lounge to be bare for a sanctuary for us both!So many good presents this year,will smell like an angel until 2926.!Have a good day,fish for us tonight,rest of pud and am eyeing up those choc.,xxx😜🤶🎁🦃🎄🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Ha ha! No soul! I think they will cheer up gloomy hospital appointments…but I hope they all go well for you! I have a half an hour app with my Dr early January, hoping for diagnosis of foot & shoulder trouble, then ultrasounds. Don’t forget to wear a mask to hospital, nirovurus & new strain of flu abounding there!! Oh, decorator…we always go away, as I’m allergic to paint, that’s why I gave up the DIY. Get those chocs open, & enjoy! Over & out…S x