As a result of taking Prednisolone I've developed thin skin on my forearms and they are permanently bruised all over. Does anyone know how to treat this? I've seen CoQ10 and Copper Peptide serum advertised..anyone tried them?
Effects of Steroids: As a result of taking... - PMRGCAuk
Effects of Steroids

I had 'purpura' for years and never found out how to deal with it. However, since I passed the 5mg mark, I have no longer had it which is a great relief. The recommendation was to moisturise with Double Base Gel to keep the skin well lubricated. Otherwise, I just had to be more careful about bumping my arms.
I have been taking Pred for 17 years, never been off it. the skin on my arms and legs are are so thin that any slight knock causes bleeding and bruising and leaves my skin discoloured. I am at the moment tapering down but on the very slow taper at just a half mg, a month I'm now on 7.5 the lowest I have been in years, and I do believe my bruising/bleeding is better, so maybe being on a lower dose is helping ? however I don't think the damage [ discolouration ] that has already been done will go away completely. I do moisturise my skin with Doublebase Gel which my Dr. prescribed. which helps the dryness.

Hi yos72,
Try using a lotion like DoubleBase after your shower or bath. That will help your skin be more moisturised in the first place. Obviously with winter coming on, you won't have bare arms so much - so things should improve, bit more protection.
I used Arnica cream when a bruise appeared, found it help reduce the look of doing 10 rounds with Nicola Adams!
Good news - bruises do get less as you decrease the Pred.

Although I have had purpurae (the tiny red patches) they only really appeared if I scratched an area of skin and I do have 3 almost permanent spots that will suddenly appear for no real reason. Even though I take an anticoagulant I rarely bruise badly.
But both I and Sambuca, who also doesn't bruise particularly, never use soap on our skin - other than the shampoo that trickles down in the shower. We think there is a connection - we don't strip out the natural oils from our skin. She uses Doublebase as well and swears by it but I hardly ever use any moisturiser of any sort as I hate the feel.
I have had a terrible time with bruising, bleeding of the skin with any kind of bump to my arms even if I am wearing a thick bathrobe that covers my arms.
I have GCA/PMR and was on 40mg for a long time. I am now on 5.5mg of Prednisone, but continue to have the bruising and bleed easily. I was told to try Zinc tablets, but I don't see where it has made any difference. I wore long sleeves for months, but now wear whatever I want. I just don't care what others think so much now. I have to be comfortable, especially in the hot temperatures that we are still having. I haven't found the Doublebase in the U.S. Any suggestions of where I might obtain this cream?
Best of luck with your purpura disappearing.
It can be got via Amazon but the postage was quite high I thought - although anyone with their special delivery conditions probably wouldn't pay it. Don't ask me about that though - I use Amazon for wireless delivery of books to my Kindle - anything else I leave to my daughters...
There must be equivalents in the US - make a note of the ingredients and ask a local pharmacy if they can suggest anything similar because there must be equivalent products with no perfumes and stuff in them.
"Doublebase is a gel which is applied to your skin and helps treat dry or chapped skin conditions that may also be itchy, red and sore causing discomfort. Doublebase gel can be used to treat: psoriasis, elderly pruritus, ichthyosis, various forms of eczema, dermatitis and other dry skin conditions. Doublebase Gel can be used on all the family including babies.
The active ingredients in Doublebase are Isopropyl Myristate and Liquid Paraffin. Both these items are commonly known as emollients which help to soften, moisturise and protect your skin by trapping moisture in your skin and restoring the natural protective function of your skin. The Emollients also prevents the skin drying and irritant effects that can be caused by washing and bathing and by the soaps, foaming additives and fragrances used in ordinary cleansing day to day products."
And of course - as Trish says - 100% coconut oil has no additives and loads of people swear by it.
Hello Yos72..i suffer with the bruising particularly to my arms and have used Double Base but recently I was recommended by my Bowen Therapist to use 100% Coconut oil which has no chemicals at all..i don't use soap very much but I do like Creamy Dove, but after a recent Flare up my skin was very dry and caused more bruising ..i find it helps and also helps the tightness to my skin on Both my shins ..its one thing I dislike, the ugly arms. I always carry plasters in my purse because it seems that when you knock yourself it's always at an awkward time. I hope you get some relief soon..trish 29
After 16 years on Prednisolone I too suffer from bruising and slow healing of wounds. I am due to have a small keratosis cut out from my leg in a couple of weeks and worry a little about how long this will take to heal. Dermatologist seemed fairly unconcerned but would like to know if anyone else has undergone this treatment. Thank you.
Morning guys,
I've had PMR for 5 years this October and I'm down to 3 1/8mg. I've tried most creams for my skin, but the doctor said it was the pred that was causing the problems. My forearms and shin's are covered in bruises at the slightest knock. I've become a right little bleeder. If the skin is broken, it just doesn't stop bleeding. So I suppose it's something we just have to live with I guess. But I got a bonus now, heart tablets, just to help me bleed a little more. Good job I have lots of blood, I don't want to be running on empty.
Best regards