Rather depressing after feeling so "well" and energetic over last few weeks to find some of my old pains coming back as I taper my Pred. I am down to 17.5mgs at the moment and none of the bi-lateral pains have returned however having much pain from my arthritic neck. Have had to crack open the French equivalent of Co-Codamol which I am not happy about but it does make a big difference to the pain levels and my head (which feels like someone is gripping it). I am awaiting an appointment with an Osteopath to get some gentle help to ease the tension.
My instructions from my doctor are to carry on tapering until the pain returns and then have the 2nd blood test. It's difficult to not see the neck as pain returning....and I am having to remind myself that at the moment I am "on trial for PMR" so this is their diagnostic route. The temptation to go back up to 18/19mg has been great but in the long run this feels like the right course....and I would have some explaining to do if I haven't reach 15mg by the expected time.
I'd love to have some energy back....so many things I had planned to do...not great in the scheme of things but it felt good to be managing household task with such ease after years of not being able to. Now I am back to each task needing more motivation, effort and taking a little longer.
Oh and one good measure of how well the Preds are working is how I come down the stairs....for about 5 years I have mostly come down one at a time...and on many days now I come down with hardly much thought and how normal people manage stairs!