Diagnosed about 3 weeks ago with PMR with possibl... - PMRGCAuk


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Diagnosed about 3 weeks ago with PMR with possible GCA.

zelma1915 profile image
6 Replies

I am fairly new at this but I have a good medical background. My symtoms started around December when I was recovering from a total knee replacement due to arthrïtis. I have also been diagnosed with CHF which results in water retention that increases the size of my legs by 50 percent. I am also being treated for spinal stenosis and a failed back surgery about 8 years ago. The pain in my low back is excruciating and now my hips hurt so much. In December of 2015 I started experience crazy pain in my arms and upper body. My head never stops hurting and I haven't found anything that will even touch it. I am having a possible biopsy in the morning to see if I have GCA. A little anxious about that. I am 78 years old and just keep spiraling downhill. I thank you for any recommendations. I will add photo later.

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zelma1915 profile image
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6 Replies
lesley2015 profile image

Hi Selma 1915 - so sorry to hear of all your suffering - just wanted you to know even in the early hours you are not alone. 

Someone with more experience will message with advice I am sure.


Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

Zelma, I have answered your post in length on the other thread but just wanted to add here that there is an excellent book available 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis: a survival guide' by Dr Kate Gilbert.  It can be purchased direct from the National Charity, PMGCAuk, pmrgcauk.com or from Amazon, with all royalties from the sale being donated to PMRGCAuk.  You will find lots of useful information to help with all the questions that are sure to be buzzing around in your head, and it is highly recommended by all those who have read it.  Meanwhile, keep in touch as there will always be someone around on here to offer help and advice when needed from their personal experience with PMR and/or GCA.  Good luck with the biopsy.

Lroach profile image

This is just so unreal.  My husband had knee surgery was fine for one day afterward and the next day we were in ER because he couldn't raise his arms at all. Excruciating pain in the neck, back and arms and a weakness in his one leg. First dx with PMR (after 3 er visits) and now they took a cervical MRI and found spinal stenosis. He needs a spinal fusion (c4-c7)  Now what is doing this: PMR or does he just have Spinal Stenosis? We don't know what to do as anesthesia will bring on PMR symptoms.  Isn't this story familiar..  He has no scalp pain so I'm thinking no GCA  Although his hair is thinning.

PMRpro profile image

It could be either or both - there are several people on the various forums with both. 

But IS it PMR if it started immediately after an anaesthetic? There is a syndrome called succinylcholine associated postoperative myalgia. It normally resolves over a short time after the operation but hasn't been shown to be of inflammatory origin. However - if it were that but the doctors gave him pred then the symptoms would apparently resolve in a similar sort of time period and confuse the issue.  The succinylcholine is a muscle relaxant - and there are other drugs that can be used to prevent it happening. So if it is that - then it isn't PMR at all and an anaesthetic need not be a problem.

Rusty8 profile image

Hi Selma I also have knee replacement hip replacement ace tabular replacement and believe it or not I had a failed back op in 1997 where a piece of fragment was left behind that trapped a nerve and that has never improved also the same as you spinal stenosis I also have a kidney transplant which is 24 years old now so must be grateful for that 

So as you can imagine wasn't very happy when they diagnosed pmr although feeling better in myself but like you pains in back leg and hip doesn't want to go away just wonder if steroids won't help these problems and we will have to go on living with it ,fine pair aren't we by the way I am 70 so you are older then me 

So take care xx

zelma1915 profile image

Thank you for responding. My prednisone is helping so much but the back is so painful. You surviving that transplant this long is wonderful. You have to be a very strong woman! Bless you my dear friend.

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