Hello, I am brand new to this group after very many months of severe pain and weight loss and sudden loss of vision in my right eye. The pain I have is in my upper back and although it is concentrated in the right side of my upper back/shoulder area, it is radiating across the upper middle of my back. I also have a quite large soft swelling directly above my right hip and are now struggling to sleep because of awful pain from my hip down to my knee (again on the right side of my body). I quickly lost almost three stone a couple of years ago and can't regain it which is a problem as being a teenage size 6 (UK) is ok at 17 but not at 69.
My upper back pain is not a normal pain but a stinging/burning pain that leaves me waiting desperately for 4 hours to pass to take more paracetamol. This just takes the pain from unbearable to bearable. I also feel extremely cold and then sweating hot within a few seconds of each other and my balance is far from perfect. Is this the type of pain that anyone has experienced????
Eleven months ago I suddenly lost most of the vision in my right eye which is diagnosed (with a question mark) as Central Retinal Vein Occlusion and that is being treated with ongoing scatter laser treatment to stop the bleeding but it wont help my sight.
I have visited my GP several times concerning the upper back pain but they have no suggestions to offer to me.
I do not suffer re-current headaches and can't see any large arteries around my temple area. However, I do have a large artery or vein in the right side of my neck.
Also I have what I would describe as a rash (small bumps) in the centre of my skull where it merges into my neck. This gives bad irritation from time to time.
I honestly don't know where to go next or what my trouble may be but living with the pain is abominable and having no interest from the doctors makes matters worse. I am in fear of the sight in my left eye suddenly going as they can't do anything to restore the sight in my right eye.
If anyone can throw a sparkle of light on any of these symptoms I would be so grateful.
I do have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and slight angina. I am also checked annually for abnormal areas in my pancreatic ducts.
If anyone can help please reply to me.
Thank you.