Here we go again, just now came home from Internist appt & guess what he says. He tells me that there are two other meds to try, Cymbalta & Lyrica. I then say why would I want to try these & he says to get off of the prednisone.
I then tell him why not try to taper in a while & he says well we can go down to 7&1/2 mil & see if that works. I then said but I've only been on the 10 mil for a little over three months is that enough time & he says well Sharon you pretty much diagnosed yourself, for all we know you could have Fibromyalga & I pulled out a paper from the Mayo clinic which said prednisone rarely ever helps fibro, I then continue to try and show him all of the printed info I have and he just shrugged it off saying that PMR really can never be truly confirmed. I nearly jumped up & ran out but instead kept my cool & told him I am not ready to taper. I told him about my eyes changing & being borderline Glaucoma all of a sudden & he said oh the pred wont do that & I said yes it can but if its not the pred then it may be the GCA & I can go blind & he said that wont happen.
I am seeing a Neuro Opthomologist on May 18th and hopefully he can shed some light on all this mess. I am so fed up with not being taken seriously, I asked him if he could manage me on the pred & all he wants is to try other meds. I'm at a loss and have no other choice but to seek out another Dr.