I have PMR which was diagnosed in 2009 when I was 54. It's the usual story of starting at 15 mg of prednisolone and decreasing very slowly with sticking points at 10, 7 and 5 mg. I have also had problems with tendonitis, gout and pain around the rib cage. Despite all this I have managed to stay active and regain my former weight. I recently reduced to 3.5 mg using the dead slow method but I began to feel as if I would have to increase again. My daughter recently adopted a gluten free diet after a lot of stomach problems. I also had increasingly frequent bouts of diahorrea which I suspected might be due to Omeprazole. Three weeks ago I decided to give up wheat, barley and rye to see if it would make any difference. Almost immediately the inflammation pains around my rib cage disappeared. I feel as if a fog has lifted, I feel more energetic, especially in the mornings, and less bloated. I can now easily put my socks on first thing in the morning and I can, at last, play a decent game of badminton before noon!
I have read on this site that auto- immune conditions often go hand in hand and now wonder whether this has been true in my case. I don't believe I have Coeliac Disease,but for now I am going to stick to this new diet and the prospect of reducing even further on the steroids looks much more achievable. 😀
And I am off for a holiday in the sun next week. Hooray! 😎