Hi. Firstly I wanted to say a general thank you to everyone who replied to my first post. The advice you offered was very valuable and it was comforting to know people understood how I was feeling.
So I went to my GP today to discuss my pred. I am about to run out!! He agreed with all of you that firstly I should not be stepping down so quickly (from 15 to 0) in 6 weeks plus I should not being doing it in short bursts (the minimum course is usually 2 years with a step down by 1 mg at a time. He was happy to give me a repeat prescription.
He has not yet received the consultants letter (4 weeks now since my appointment!) but could see my blood test results from the hospital. He was rather concerned about the diagnosis as my bloods are normal and show no indication of whatever they are looking for. Has anyone else had normal blood results?
When writing my prescription he asked about any side effects that I'm suffering from pred. I said that I am getting hot flushes. Does anyone else get these? This immediately ran alarm bells in his head regarding the menopause but there no other symptoms yet! Apparently some women can get similar symptoms to Pmr.
So now im confused. He doesn't want to change anything yet until we see what the consultant says but I need to go back in a month. I have collected my prescription so am back up to 15 mg and should feel better hopefully by tomorrow.
This is all very depressing I broke down in tears at the doctor but he was great (very embarrassing).
Any words of wisdom/ opinions would be gratefully received