Thanks to all who answered my post on Bowen therapists just to let you know I have had my first consultation today. the lady said I might not feel any different to start with I feel more relaxed and I have another appointment next week I will keep you posted
Bowen therapy: Thanks to all who answered my post... - PMRGCAuk
Bowen therapy

I have my first appointment booked for the 14th and looking forward to it. Hope we both feel some benefit. Relaxed sounds good to me!
I go for my second appointment tomorrow so far feeling ok I seem to have more energy than I have had for a long time Hope you get on alright
Hello northants ..could I ask you if you have felt any benefit yet from your Bowen Therapy treatment? .. I am really considering going for it ..I have been on Methotrexate for the second time since November and all it seems to do is drug me up and i feel nauseous all day. and I waste days by having to go to bed . There seems to be one near me locally .My PMR journey has been a long one ( nearly 11 years ) and this winter has been a very long one . I will try anything but I know we are all different, I have tried all the different medications ( steroid sparing agents ) and the strong chemicals just don't agree with me . The other day someone said to me that why do I keep putting these poisonous chemicals into your body every week via injection and I said that something one day must work on me . Thank you. trish29
How did you get on with Bowen treatment?I have been 3 times and I feel so much better I will go again in a months time before I go on holiday
Hi there. Well unfortunately the night before the appointment I went down with a Norovirus and have spent several days in bed this week, so I had to cancel. I feel recovered now and will call the lady again on Monday to rebook. So glad you are feeling the benefits already. I will let you know how I get on! Angela
Hi Northants. I had my first consultation and Bowen therapy session today and I'm really impressed. I didn't quite know what to expect, but I felt great afterwards and I have to say it's given me a lift. I've booked two more treatments and can't wait. It's come at a good time as I'm about to try another prednisone reduction. My therapist is also an Osteopath so I will be having some of that too. Angela.
Thankyou northants for your reply on Bowen Therapy , I am getting more interested in trying The Bowen Therapy. One of my big problems is exhaustion but its difficult to know how much is caused by the prednisolone and how much is caused by the PMR. Its reassuring to know that you are already getting more energy . I have been on a low ebb since before Christmas and I am only just feeling slightly better , I am down a little bit on the steroids but not as much as i would like .1know its one day at a time because I have experienced so many flare-ups .. I hope you continue to get better from your treatment , best wishes. trish29
I was feeling better before Christmas until I had the bad cough and cold that was going round and it pulled me right down and the doctor insisted I reduce my pred from 10mg to 9. I recently had a flare up so I have been back on 10mg .for about a month I will let you know how I get on with my treatment this week ,I had never heard of the Bowen treatment until I read health unlocked and then i looked it up on the internet.
Hi northants..yes that was a dreadful cough and cold virus both myself and my partner had it and that was early December and that's when I had my awful fall .I haven't picked up much from there but the last few days I have felt a bit better . I hope you have a good day today . I'm off to a Support Group meeting and looking forward to it .trish 29