Hello again! This forum is becoming more addictive than Facebook now and I am finding myself rushing home from work ( supposed 4g signal rubbish in our office!) to read all the new posts of the day!!
I have been to see gp for review and today I have started another reduction down from the original 15mgs to 14. ( first attempt from 15mgs to 12.5 lasted 3 days) My gp advised between 2 to 4 weeks even 3 as a medium although I am thinking 4 ( he totally poo pooed the dead slow reduction saying in 30 yrs of practice he had never heard of it so we compromised on the 1 mg reduction each time). Does this all sound reasonable?
Also he is adamant I start taking the AA now based on a family history of paternal grandmother with severe osteoporosis. I had a DEXA scan. No results yet but gp is saying that even if scan ok now that is now and won't predict the future.
I am scared after reading all the side effects and have just read some of the recent posts on AA that compound my scared state!!
What are your thoughts?
Many thanks.