just a short jaunt to the Florida Keys but I am worried about following the low sodium diet while there....I am pretty strict with myself about keeping those sodium levels to about 1500 mgs or less a day. Any ideas from anybody how they handle this while traveling? Thanks!
going on vacation- any advice? - PKD Charity for A...
going on vacation- any advice?

You are probably gonna have to stick to salads and moderate grilled chicken. Not that much salad dressing either. I also do alot of veggies, some bread. The most fun food I have on vacay is fries with no salt and some chicken wings (2-3 pieces) I live in FL, I have been asking for meals to be prepared without salt and chefs have been very accommodating. You can taste the difference as well. If we are on the run and it has to be fast food I stick to fries only with water. I also look at calories listed. Most fast foods will list it and you can look it up. It's amazing how I see food these days and start thinking, oh my poor kidneys can't filter that....lol. Even my hubby and the kids are starting to think about their kidneys...and make better choices. Most importantly have fun! And drink lots of water. Key West has the most beautiful and longest sunsets I have ever seen. I just hate driving there through that 7 miles long bridge. Oh and it's one way in, one way out! Have fun!
thanks so much for this! since I was diagnosed I have changed my eating habits 100%.
and I thought I was eating healthily before....
I didn't think about french fries without salt--that will work!
I was boo-hooing about not being able to put spaghetti sauce on pasta ( great low sodium choice right?) and it was like a light bulb went off ---make your own!! It came out really well. no more paying $6 for a jar of "special" low sodium sauce. glad to hear how conscience your family is to your dietary needs. Its shocking to realize how much sodium is in everything.
where is your GFR at? And how well are you controlling and maintaining your BP? Frankly if it was me (GFR somewhere around 86-91 and BP under control on meds) I would let my hair down just a bit and treat myself to one or two nice things! It's a holiday afterall.
you are so right!! I am one of those weird PKD people that has low blood pressure and GFR is fine--I have no symptoms except kidneys loaded with cyst. Its all been very confusing for me.....but I got my daily sodium intake down to around 1200-1500 a day --doctor warned me I had to.....but yes I am well controlled and sure wanna splurge!!
Some yummy salted chips on holiday won't cause your kidneys to suddenly explode. What you've done is the best thing you can do - made a general lifestyle adjustment that's in the interest of your long-term health. You can, in my opinion, permit yourself the occasional deviance and treat. Enjoy your break