My mum and sister both have PKD. I have just been told in the last week that I also have cysts in my kidneys and liver. (I'm gutted because this means I can't offer my sis/mum a kidney if they need one)
My mum wasn't diagnosed until she was in her late 50's when one of the cysts on her liver burst and she was taken to hospital. My sister was then screened. She is in her late 30's and her condition is fairly bad. She has an associated heart condition and is taking the medication to slow down the cyst growth (can't remember name). I have no symptoms and only know I have cysts because I had a scan because of my family back ground.
That's a bit of background for you. Here is my actual post:
My mum is now 67 and everything I'm reading is telling me that she has a good chance of not making it into her 70s. I live in a different country from her so I only know what she tells me and she says she is not too bad. But she also says her kidneys are 3 times the size they should be and she is always in pain. She has also told me that when she is in kidney failure she is not going to get a transplant or do dialysis.
I am really starting to worry that I only have a couple years left with her and that she is going to go down hill quickly. I'm also worried that my sister's condition is so much worse and she is so much younger.
I just want to know if anyone has a similar experience or any advise they can give me.