Good morning all
I'm finding this website and everybody's posts really interesting and full of useful ideas having been a member for a couple of years now. I have learnt about all the processes and procedures as kidneys deteriorate and all the things we can do to make this journey work for us. However, there is one question I cannot find the answer to.....
I have adpkd and am at stage 5 approaching dialysis. My gfr is 10 and I'm having my fistula made early January...... everything is in place for me to start dialysis when I need it. But how will I know when that is? I'm enjoying life to the full and don't dwell on this but it would be useful to know what to expect so I can recognise it when it starts to happen.
When I ask this question most people say, your doctors will tell you or when your gfr is low; but it's my body, surely I will know, but how?
It recently struck me that nobody mentions what it feels like when your kidneys eventually stop working. Having googled this, I am none the wiser..... the only info I can find is that they mostly go gradually. I figure, there must be a day though where they no longer work; a moment when you cross the line from not needing dialysis to needing it. What does this feel like? How do you know you're kidneys have finally failed?