Well, not that old, I just turned 50 and was diagnosed with PKD/PLD at 21. It ran in the family so it wasn't a shock. At 47 I found out my eGFR had dropped below 60. I only found out because I'd switched GPs recently and my new one made a comment about it. Before that moment I had no idea my function had fallen at all.
I remember sitting there as she turned around in her chair, screwed up her face and said, "Stage three renal failure, wow". I didn't skip a beat on the outside but on the inside my blood ran cold. I was numb for a minute or two, the blood flowing out of my limbs towards my heart and brain.
A few weeks later I went back to her and was discussing my kidneys, liver and cysts on both. I recalled to her how I sometimes get sharp pinpoint pains in my back and in my belly. She proceeded to tell me that was impossible because my kidneys, liver and other internal organs were incapable of feeling pain like other parts of the body. I never went back and spent the next year finding a doctor (actually a group of doctors) that understand the condition and what we go through.
My outlook is good most days but when it's not I usually bottle it up because I have no one I can talk to that can relate. My husband is amazing and would do absolutely anything for me but when it comes to hearing about damage to my body and suffering he just can't take it.
Thanks for listening!