Really struggling with the pain from this condition. I'm not even on my period and it's so debilitating. Everyday is a fight I feel like giving up. Just want to be pain free
Adenomyosis : Really struggling with... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

Dear Slinks -- don't get excited. Alas, I know very little about this condition but I see you've had no replies, so I wanted to send empathy. Since you're in the UK have you also tried ? There you may get someone with the same condition who will reply with something useful. Also endometriosis sufferers in general will closely relate to how you feel. It is hard indeed living with pain. It is possible that some treatments will help you, but there may be no 'fix'. That is to say, it may never go away completely. Chronic pain sufferers find various ways to cope and still get on with a relatively 'normal' life. You can use too much energy just longing for pain to stop. I hate to say anything that won't sound like a platitude but hang in there. Take your time to explore all the options and reach out to as many people as possible. Sending a hug.
Hi, I completely understand where you are coming from, we shouldn't have to live like this. I was only diagnosed this week although I've been suffering for years. Finally got someone to listen and referred me for a scan. Still waiting to see my GP to discuss my options. If you don't mind me asking have you found any relief from any medication ? They were saying the mirena coil would be best but I really want that. I'm thinking progesterone only pill.
Hope you are pain free soon. Xx
Hi, its all really new to me but been suffering for around 3 years. I've tried progesterone only pill but unfortunately for me it Sent my moods super crazy. The coil has been suggested but I really don't want that. Specialist has prescribed me Provera which is synthetic progesterone HRT but not yet started it as waiting for my period to show, although god knows when that will be, day 29 now. Other than this I've not yet found anything that helps and things seem to be getting worse lately x
I’m post menopausal and staring on paroxetine soon as my HRT made the adeno SO BAD- pain (I use naproxen with opremazole) and severe fatigue. Gp says I need hysterectomy. A 2 year wait or £10k privately.